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League of Legends


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In Game Name:  Saure Gurke 

Server:  Eu West

Main Champ: I would say it's Lulu - I played her till my eyes popped out


Top:  Quinn, Shen, anything tanky 

Jungle: I suck at jungle, so whatever I feel like :D

Mid:  Syndra, Annie

ADC:  Caitlynn, Tristana

Support:  Braum, Janna, Lulu, Nami, Zyra, Bard, Soraka, Tahm Kench, Leona (honestly I love all supports)


Main Role: Obviously Support


Division: I didn't really play ranked this season, but I am Silver 2 in Solo/Duo and Gold 4 in Flex.

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i dont like going against a fiddle sup

i think i remember some games where fiddle was sup

and i could do nothing because of his crows 

and when youre a melee sup he'll just scare you and drain 



what i really hate to go against is sup yasuo... (as a mage sup)

@Krist know it :^(

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I just started playing again! Image result for soraka small transparent

My IGN is: Baah (NA server--Silver 1)

I mostly support with people like: Soraka, Tahm, Taric, Broom, Morgana, Lulu, Karma 

I just bought Rakan--I'm on that slow train guise.

I can mid with: Annie, Talon, Ziggs, Karma, Morgana

I don't really like to top, or jg. I can Bot with MF or like...Sivir or some shiz.

I like ARAM and norms...I'm terrified of ranked because I'm a squish supp all the time.


ANYWAYS! Feel free to add me. v: 

Just make sure you say you're from GASR or I'll be "WHO DA FOOK R U"


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i hate how this was made after i asked how to play in games thread

you suck cain i hate u


um add me thooo im really trash and unranked and really bad at every champ hmu


ahhlexu (NA)

typical e-girl who plays support and girly mid champs

learning my way how to get my last damn mast token for lux 7 smh never will get it i swear to ye

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