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Everything posted by Eurynomos

  1. this is beautiful, i love it. only thing is the sleeve is supposed to be on the right arm, perhaps you could flip the image so you won't have to redraw anything?
  2. no worries, i still want. thank you for accepting.
  3. style: half body semi realism oc: here. paypal: [email protected] permission to post: sure. text(if needed): Eurynomos (would you mind creating a copy with the text "Eraserhead" if i paid extra?) extra: please make sure the sidearm is visible. it's been a while since i've ordered a custom on arthaven, hope this is alright. total: please let me know.
  4. it's been such a while since i've requested a custom on arthaven, i hope this is alright. Form: full colored. Size: Half body. Text/watermark: Eurynomos (would it be alright if i paid extra for another copy with the text "Eraserhead" instead?) Refs(character, pose ,expression): here.
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