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SkyFall's Achievements


Mentor (6/8)



SkyFall's Awards

The Endless Dreams Café [2021]


You created your own sugary delight at the Endless Dreams Café!

The Endless Dreams Café [2021]


You created your own sugary delight at the Endless Dreams Café!

The Endless Dreams Café [2021]


You created your own sugary delight at the Endless Dreams Café!

Save the Planet - Wind Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 4th realm, Eden of Aethra, also known as the Wind Realm. Let the wind guide you on your journey. 

Save the Planet - Wind Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 4th realm, Eden of Aethra, also known as the Wind Realm. Let the wind guide you on your journey. 

Save the Planet - Wind Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 4th realm, Eden of Aethra, also known as the Wind Realm. Let the wind guide you on your journey. 

Save the Planet - Fire Realm [2021]


You successfully passed through the Fields of Izle.

Save the Planet - Fire Realm [2021]


You successfully passed through the Fields of Izle.

Save the Planet - Fire Realm [2021]


You successfully passed through the Fields of Izle.

Save the Planet - Earth Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 2nd realm, Keepers of Terra, also known as the Earth Realm. Care for our lands and you will continue to thrive as they do.

Save the Planet - Earth Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 2nd realm, Keepers of Terra, also known as the Earth Realm. Care for our lands and you will continue to thrive as they do.

Save the Planet - Earth Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 2nd realm, Keepers of Terra, also known as the Earth Realm. Care for our lands and you will continue to thrive as they do.

Save the Planet - Water Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 1st realm, Moonglade Bay, also known as the Water Realm. May you continue to be gentle to these waters.

Save the Planet - Water Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 1st realm, Moonglade Bay, also known as the Water Realm. May you continue to be gentle to these waters.

Save the Planet - Water Realm [2021]


You successfully completed the story of the 1st realm, Moonglade Bay, also known as the Water Realm. May you continue to be gentle to these waters.

Blossoming Buds [2021]


You spring into the season designing a character with a new bud!

Blossoming Buds [2021]


You spring into the season designing a character with a new bud!

Blossoming Buds [2021]


You spring into the season designing a character with a new bud!

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