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Everything posted by Astro

  1. just finished moving into my new apartment!! i didn't realize how much stuff i had until I had to move it all lol


    i'm just excited my pc is set back up so i can play more borderlands 2 hehe~

  2. when your horoscope says it was a rough day and it truly was


    remember to be kind. manifesting good vibes for everyone in the same funk as i am <3

  3. Happy Halloween fellow Haveners

    Candy Corn Halloween GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

  4. ~ free pick a crystal 1 card tarot reading ~





    i'm practicing my tarot / oracle readings since i haven't done them in a while and figured this could be fun~

    i made this carrd on the spot so it might be a bit funky :lazelaptop:



    dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif pick a crystal that you are drawn to then click on it dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif

    dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif remember that readings are not to be taken literally, but in a way that speaks to you dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif

    dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif let me know in the replies which one you picked! i'd love to hear your feedback and do more of these if wanted dcnrulb-2b39d1a8-325e-48e8-b6cc-7e79ab0b9502.gif.97805183de6fb5511da27c517963c267.gif



    dc8c4av-6f940b76-dc99-4d0e-97b1-466d13db7728.gif.772ef7e8f533c9a3a34c6daceadb9887.gif                dc8c406-1554f014-679e-4277-9653-fb05a3bf6f09.gif.42d51db88d20830ec76c44a8d02cc7d7.gif               dc8c470-66dc8dc5-4699-45fe-8622-ef77887e7b50.gif.12295b833869c580196a38dda1b36802.gif

           peach quartz                   moonstone               angel aura quartz   



    pixel credit


    1. Fairycore


      omg please do more of these!!!!! 

      chose moonstone and i've had that feeling for a good bit now <3 hopefully it's a good hidden thing lmao. 

    2. Astro


      yay! i'm glad you liked it! i'll have to set another one up soon for october <3


  5. life update #1:


    it's been about a month since i started my new job as a cerologist and so far it's been pretty great!   it's nice having a bit more of a steady income compaired to doing hair, though i do miss my regular clients :c   other than that i've mostly been playing my sims 4 legacy challenge and i started reading more!   right now im on chapter 8 of court of thorns and roses and i am already hooked on it.   if you've read it hmu, i need to fangirl with someone over it. :lazerose:


    gonna casually include a very cute picture of my cat, eevee.   just for good vibes today <3





  6. when your boss wants you to stay late

    Awkward Bye Bye GIF by eUnited

  7. Blink-182&#39;s Top 10 Songs

    can finally post this lol


  8. just had an interview this morning for my dream job and got the position! i'm so so so excited! 

    happy anime girl GIF

    1. Anneke


      Congratulations! This is the beginning of something big!! 😊💖

  9. officially graduated from cosmetology school! now i'll have more time (and money lol) to spend on here <3

    1. Xunjo


      Congratulations! Graduating is a great achievement, best of luck in your career :aww:

    2. Amy


      congratulations!! :phearteyes:

  10. i am back from the dead lmao

  11. hello! i'm astro. i am a 20 y/o female from north dakota. i like crystals, steven universe, tarot cards, rupaul's drag race, and dark spoopy things. my sexual orientation is IDK. I usually consider myself bisexual or pansexual, but i never know which one.. I just luv everyone ya know? i'm super shy and even though i've been on gasr for about 4 years now i'm too scared to make friends so hmu i would love to get to know you guys
  12. ✼ Name/nickname: CeNedra ~ Neddy ✼ Age: Just turned 20 today! ✼ Favorite weather(s): 75, partly cloudy, smallest of breeze = my fav ✼ Food you love: cake ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: lettuce ✼ A few artists that you adore: Taiyachan, cotton/deity, adore, luciamaria, capsule, pea, and 500000 more ✼ Music you listen to: literally anything but new country ✼ Movies: Fav is Labyrinth ✼ TV Shows: steven universe, rupaul's drag race, project runway, ANTM, avatar: the last airbender, etc. ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs?: Toradora, Erased, Naruto, Food Wars, too many to name ✼ Favorite animal(s): Cats, doggos, dolphins, foxes ✼ Favorite color(s): purple! (orange n black) ✼ Pet peeve(s): yelling ✼ Hobbies: art, reading, video games, ✼ Likes: steven universe, sweets, kindness, bird memes, nature ✼ Dislikes: salads, rude people, people who yell ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: I really like the groups! I think it's a great way for shy people like me to actually make friends! ✼ What you would like to see in our group?: More discussion idk ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: i'm hella shy but i'd love to make friends on here/imvu
  13. updated 1/9/2022 G E N E R A L: Name: CeNedra Nicknames: Astro, Neddy, Nerdy Age: 23 Country: USA Hobbies: naps, painting, video games, watching new anime 4 words to describe yourself: big ol' sleepy gal Favorite food: pasta Favorite color: purple & green Favorite movie: Labyrinth Favorite TV show (not including anime): Bojack Horseman Favorite video game: Pokemon, Minecraft, Sims 4 A N I M E: Top 5 Anime: 1. Naruto 2. Toradora 3. Erased 4. Soul Easter 5. OHSHC Best anime intro: Sign (Naruto Shippuden) Favorite genre of anime: Romance First anime you watched: Angel Beats! What anime character do you relate to most?: Risa (Lovely Complex) .. tall & weird but cute Would you consider yourself an otaku?: 2022 me hates this question LMAO, if I were living in japan I suppose I would be considered one. Favorite anime girl: Taiga (Toradora) Favorite anime boy: Kakeru (Orange) soft boi
  14. WELCOME to Anime! Feel free to use this form to introduce yourselves! Add in some extra questions if you like.
  15. name: cenedra age: 19 (i turn 20 tomorrow) favorite food: cake favorite animal: kittens or doggos pick three words that describe your personality: shy, hesitant, confused one song you can't stop listening to: encore by red hot chili peppers favorite show: steven universe favorite movie: labyrinth favorite flower!: daises or sunflowers chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry: strawberry
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