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League of Legends


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After months of resisting the urge, I'm sadly re-downloading League once again.

I told myself I would quit for real this time but I've been playing this game for too long and staying away is not possible anymore.


People on EUW can hit me up for some games. I'm gonna be a bit rusty but it's all for funsies.

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Whale Whale Whale.


IGN: Derish (NA)


Rank: Gold V


Lanes: Mid>ADC>Jungle>Support>Top



Mid - Syndra, Annie, Ekko

ADC - Twitch, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Jhin

Jungle - Nautilus, Nocturne, Olaf, Sejuani

Support - Nautilus, Sona, Lulu, 

Top - Pantheon, Ekko, Sion




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IGN names: NA: Chubbu & Imfirmity

Main roles: ADC and Support:iduncare:

Rank: Its trash but owell

Honor: Honor 4 currently trying to get 5

Top: Nasus, Teemo??? I barely play toplane

Jungle: Akali, Kindred, Teemo, Sometimes Ekko & Sej

Mid: Ahri, Lux, Syndra, Sometimes Katarina

ADC: Anything really but defo Jinx, MF, Caitlyn, Xayah, & Ashe. I sometimes do Kindred, Ahri, and Teemo

Support: Sona, Raka, Lulu, and Karma. Sometimes Fiddle


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IGN names: (Eune) BleedingStars

Main roles:  Support & Adc, sometimes Mid

Rank:  GOLD III (Had a demote couple days ago) :ok:

Honor: Honor 3 I believe? Maybe 4? lol idk. Nobody likes me.

Top: Illaoi, Kennen, Tahm kench, Heimerdinger

Jungle: Lee Sin, Sejuani, Hecarim

Mid: Annie, Ahri, Syndra, Karma, Brand

ADC: CAIT<3 , Jhin, MF, Tristana, Ashe, Vayne

Support: KARMA<3, Lulu, Nami, Rakan, Zyra, Morgana, Braum & Thresh

~add me If you are in the same Region~

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20 hours ago, Alex said:

Ok someone tell me how the fuck to get S because I can go 11/0 as Diana and still nothing but I honestly think it's my goddamn farm ahhhhhh


I get S's fairly easy but Im adc so its kinda easier for me?? but this is what I do/worry about the most

When in game I worry about Kills and helping take kills (Of course), Deaths I like to try to keep it under 3 deaths most of the time if possible none (Your deaths play a big part, because when your dead your off the map and your not  helping; Obv.), Warding is important especially late game no matter what role your playing, Towers are also important so TAKE. THEM. People are horrible @ this, taking objectives are a big deal because it means you're helping the team.

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If I've learned anything over these years of playing League it's that people still don't understand the very basics of the game. 



I can't even begin to describe how many times I've lost a won game because some team members decided to be greedy for the kill and to show off their K/D in the end like it was a dick measuring contest, instead of pushing and going for the objectives. Matches can turn in a second, especially ranked, one slip and you lose.


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I only memepick and troll my team.


Decaying out of low plat into gold because leeg is dead game thanks to censer and bramble vest :smh:

Main top. Illaoi/Quinn are my go to champs, if I get cucked into filling I just lock in Karma. Other favorites include Kled, J4, Wukong, Diana and Graves.

If you're an ap mage main and you play Janna support don't talk to me :sketch:

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Screenshot of my Summoner Profile: Click


Name: Light Up (I use to main Lux and I'm level 7 with her).

Honor: (It's honestly not that hard to get this LOL)

Rank: I don't play ranked, but I do queue up with a lot of Gold+ players in my normal games!  A few weeks ago I faced a Diamond in Mid :smh:


Top: Akali, Quinn, Illaoi, Garen?!? (super og)

JG: I don't do this.

Mid: Lux, Ahri, Leblanc, Katarina, Cassiopeia 

ADC: Miss Fortune, Trist, Jinx, Ezreal (When he isn't doing poorly in the current meta).

Support: Sona, Soraka, Nami


I've only been playing for about a year (since April 2016).  I don't play tanks or bruisers, they're not my forte.  I will only play Mid if I feel confident enough with my skills because let's be honest, even a single mistake can cost you the game!  I tend to play support when I just wanna chill, but most of the time (90% of the time) I will be playing ARAM.

ALSO, I am not an e-girl or girl at all; the champions I play are very misleading but tbh male mage kits in general don't resonate with me, they just aren't...  as simple.



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