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[Nature] Water/Liquid


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This topic is a collection of tutorials for Water .
Learn how to draw water with these tutorials of talented artists around the web.
All right sources are credited below the images so if you want to comment/praise, please do so on their page/profile/post.



Please keep in mind 

  • Not to fully copy 100% from one tutorial.
  • These tutorials are only meant for learning purposes.
  • You may NOT make profit by selling/claiming these tutorials, they are for everyone.
  • You may NOT trace over the original content (that beats the purposes of learning).
  • If you want to post a tutorial that may be interesting for this topic, please do so but you MUST include the original link to the original artist. (NO google, Pinterest, Re-post of other's tumblr acc's, WeHeartIt, etc.)
  • Any tutorial posted without a source will be deleted.
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  • For help or any suggestions, please do so here.



Good luck!


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Finally, I uploaded this one here too, now you guys won't have to dig through my webpage for it anymore. Of course, ifyou find the layout irritating or difficult, then you can still use the one over there instead. It's basically the exact same thing , but without the fancy, dark framing device.

Even if I use PhotoshopCS4 myself,the tutorial is not program-specific (as my tutorials never are) and all you really need is a round paint brush with adjustable opacity-levels, a couple of layers and optionally some sort of smudge brush. 
It is exected that you are at least somewhat familiar with whatever program you're using, as there's no "and this is how you make a new layer"-type of advice in the tutorial. That would kind of nullify the non-program-specific thing I've got going on here.

But hey, have fun!
Man, I've fallen in love with that font, Century Gothic. It's so...round and geometrical. Not the easiest to read, but sooo pretty.


By MinnaSundberg

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LINK TUTORIAL:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=766Wde…


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video: youtu.be/bDnf3V2w6ZA
Last of my water tutorials! I hope they have helped!
You can get full length 2x speed videos of these painting processes in  www.patreon.com/thececile






video: youtu.be/bDnf3V2w6ZA
I recently created a series of water tutorials covering waves, lakeside, water droplet, and water cross section. I hope they are helpful!
I will space out the upload time on dA but you can see them all on my twitter
I'll also be creating video tutorials on these, but they may take a little longer to make since I'm planning on doing voice overs (if I don't get too shy).






video: youtu.be/bDnf3V2w6ZA

water cross section tutorial in my series of water tutorials






video: youtu.be/bDnf3V2w6ZA

Lakeside water tutorial in my series of water tutorials! I'm hoping on doing some voice-over video versions that will be early access on my Patreon.



By TheCecile

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