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【 Shop Setup Guide 】


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S H O P  G U I D E




Beginner at setting up a new shop? Here is a quick start guide to get you started :bgoodjob:

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What kind of content are you trying to sell?

• Custom/Premade Digital Drawings

 Maplestory 2 UGC Creations (Outfits, Templates, Tutorials, etc.)




• Be prepared to have examples of your work. If you only have 1 or 2 examples, you may want to make more to show what exactly you're capable of doing.

• Do not forget to watermark your work due to lurkers out there who may steal your work and claim it as their own :boh:

• Be aware of what you are can do. It is very helpful to have a "Do's and Don't" list to show what you are comfortable doing.


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How do I open/setup a shop?

• Click "Start New Topic" at the top right to create a new topic and start customizing your shop to your likings. You also have the option to add a poll and tags that people can look at to understand what types of items you offer. Try to come up with a unique and creative shop name as well!


Table Customization Tips:

• Are you familiar with how tables work? (This post is based on a table creation) if not, it's totally fine. There is a button that looks like thisb6a607e1c2.pngwhen customizing your shop and it should be labeled as Table. From there, it should be pretty self-explanatory and lets you change the table properties and to any color you want it to be. If you want sub-headers in your table such as this post, you must create a new "row" each time and click on the desired row to edit and hit "CTRL + right click" to edit that section. There should be a menu that pops up and you want to go to "Cells > Cell properties" and that is where you can change the background color and border line colors. If you want to get rid of the border line or edit the size of the table border, just repeat the command anywhere on the table and instead go to " Table Properties" and it should let you type in the border size width (0 makes it disappear). The "CTRL + right click" command is mainly used to edit tables, images (resizing), etc. especially if you want to get add/remove/move the table parts.


 Try to organize your table neatly. It is recommended to line your sections into parts from top to bottom...


• Welcome/Introduction (Introduction about you, etc.)

• Rules

• Pricing

• Do's & Don't

• Examples

• Template Form (For users to fill out so you know what they want exactly)

• Slots (To prevent a long to-do-list to reduce stress & consider IRL things :bcri:)


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How do I set my pricing?

• Pricing is totally up to you, but here are a few ideas on how you can benefit from selling.



• PayPal (Goods & Services/No shipping address applicable) Note: Please be familiar with PayPal's policies.

• IMVU Credits (For IMVU users)

NX currency (For Nexon players)




•  If you are unsure of how to price your work, I recommend asking other people's opinions/feedback on what they think is a decent price for you. Try to take into consideration the amount of effort, time, service, and skill that you provide to help you get an idea. You can tell if your work is too cheap or expensive depending on the traffic you receive on a daily basis as well.

• Don't forget the poll feature allows you to receive feedback from others as well! Try to utilize that feature if you have any concerns for your own shop.


F I N I S H E D !


• If you have any further questions or think we've missed something here, feel free to comment below so we can include it in our shop guide here. Thank you! :bthanks:

Edited by Touhou
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