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20 Questions

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20 questions~



I am going to select a person, place, or thing

and it's up to you to figure out what it is!


You have to ask only YES or NO questions!


(Someone has to be ahead of you before you can ask again.)


The winner will get to be the next person to start the game up again!

Make sure to read through the posts to not to duplicate someone's answers and also to gain clues for a chance to win!


The answer given will be either YES or NO to help solve it.

Questions will also be posted here as a cheat sheet.


Questions asked:

Is it an Animal???   No

is it small?  No

Can you eat/drink it? No

Does it have windows? No

Is it a person? YES

Is it a female? YES

Is it human? YES

Are they known for being in the music industry? No

Is the person famous? YES

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