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Truth or Dare! (DP Edition)

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Truth or Dare but with a Twist! 



Everyone is dared to tag 1 person from this group and ask either truth or dare!

If they pick truth,

Ask a question they can't just answer with yes or no to. It has to be something they have to give a full sentence to like:


What was your first kiss like?


What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?


If the person you tagged doesn't want to answer question, they have to choose dare!

If they choose dare, you get to choose a display picture for them to use on gasr for the day.

It can be silly, embarrassing, or hilarious depending what you choose!

Those who play are agreeing to the rules

Please keep the questions and the pictures GA please!


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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, HippieDippie said:

  What was is the craziest thing you have done in highschool?


Hmmm, craziest thing I've done. Oof, hard but fun question! Crap, I really can't think of something. Maybe when I was suppose to ditch with a friend, she didn't make it. We were suppose to meet up in the bathrooms, so since she never came. I ended up stuck in the stall for the whole period and my phone was dying. LOL.

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