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Only One Life

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A choose your own adventure except...


You only get one life!


There will be two paths to choose from and it's up to you to choose the right one!

OR perish from the game entirely!


Choose wisely!!!


It will start off easy but the further you get, the difficult the choices become!

Dive in head first into danger or wait for other traveler's decisions to make your next move. 


To Begin:

Choose between two paths.

One will let you proceed to the next challenge, but it's up to you to figure out which one!



First Path:

You come across a dark spooky cave with a peculiar dim light at the end of the tunnel.

It looks ancient and has weird hieroglyphics you don't understand above it.

It looks like it could lead into a hidden temple full of treasures and unexplored mysteries, should you:


A: Run away from cave?

B: Explore deep into cave






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As you wander further into the cave, the dim light grows brighter for you to see.

There's a torch hanging on the wall, revealing the path ahead.

Unfortunately there's a giant gap in the middle of it with a spike pit down below.

Down at your feet, there's looks like a mechanism that could be stepped on, maybe triggering a way through

Or maybe you should take the torch and look for another way around.

Should you:

A: Step on the mechanism

B: Take torch

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You go around the corner with your torch.


There's a strange gurgling sound growing louder from each step you take

As you venture deeper into the cave you eventually find out where the noise is coming from.

Boiling hot Lava.

You wipe your brow, the heat making you sweat in the small confided space you're in.

There's a stone path barely visible but it's so split apart that you would have to jump from from each platform to platform to make it to the next door up ahead.

However, there's strangely an odd out of place brick on your left with a single symbol on it.

Whoever made this place seemed to have it booby trapped around every corner and must be hiding something very valuable in here.

Should you:

1. Hop over the lava

2. Push in the brick wall


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