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Hi! I'm Sarah, I'm 24 years old and I'm from the Sunshine State [Florida].

I've always seemed to have a love for gaming as long as I could remember. It was probably a friend

of mine in Elementary school that got me into gaming. First gaming console was the PlayStation 1 and after that

my addiction only got worse. 

I currently have a PS3, my first PC [im a mac user], a 3DS & the Nintendo Switch.

I love all sorts of games but I mainly enjoy playing Fortnite, Overwatch, Pokemon, Spyro, The Legend of Zelda, & Crash.


If you wanna game ever I'm down. all my real life friends are usually busy which leaves me gaming alone :c 

I'm not so great at Overwatch and Fortnite but I try my best ;w;

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  • 4 months later...

heyy, i'm new here. my name's nessa! i'm 20, turning 21 in nov this year and i live in california. 


my entire teenage years were filled playing dragon age, mass effect, and skyrim! i've made several ocs based off my video game characters. :D i also enjoy diablo 3, overwatch, borderlands, stardew valley, and eso! unfortunately my laptop is absolute crap so i often have fps troubles, but hopefully i'll have my own gaming pc in a few months of saving! feel free to hmu if anyone wants my steam id/battletag

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Lukey, and I'm veeeery new to GASR, so I apologise off the bat if I say or so something dumb :P

Anyway!! I'm a humble gamer from Australia who loves indie games a whole lot, though I do play bigger titles on occasion (mostly Halo and... i guess the sims counts???) but I can't much at all due to money stuff. (and lack of a disk drive on my gaming computer ;-;) Im also an artist, so I draw a lot of gaming and youtuber related stuff- mostly markiplier, jacksepticeye and Detroit: Become Human at the moment, but it changes a lot, so I'll post some of that here too! 


Looking forward to looking around and being in this group!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm Lacey age 23 from the US of A
i've been gaming since i was a little kiddo back when the orginal playstation was out.
i currently game mainly on pc and occasionally on Xbox1. the games i play range all over.
I mainly play Stardew Valley,Need for speed,Overwatch,Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft (though i currently don't have my membership for Wow xD)
i also have other games on my steam (see my steam link if you'd like) and on my Battle net.
i hope to bump into others that play similar game and maybe game with some new people ♥

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