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Everything posted by Hater

  1. Hey guy's,
    As a very good friend and supporter! i hereby announce that Sir Cain, is hosting a givaway (FREE ART:fingerguns:) in The Collective server in celebration to his freedom! 

    You should join and have fun with us! 




    It's a crazy family but one you'll learn to love and wont be able to miss! 



  2. Idk if anyone's interested, but for those.. 

    My slacking ass may or may not try to work on some premades. I finally got my tablet installed on my new pc. 

    So im all good to go. :fingerguns:


    I am nervous because my art isnt exactly the best. so i'll try to practice on the things where i lack technique. 


    Please go easy on me. 


    -Kramer Wip

    i am kinda excited to see if i can make this one a premade worth selling. 


    Bear with me. ty. :lazeflirt:

    1. Meru


      This is absolutely STUNNING.

    2. Hater


      Thank you so much!:walove:

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