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Everything posted by Vallium

  1. Hi yall

    sorry for no updates and making shops and then never being seen again

    I have been hospitalized multiple times recently, and now I have a ****TRIGGER WARNING**** threatened miscarriage because of a very large Subchronic hemorrhage. so rip me im on strict watch and in and out of the hospital for this. so please dont judge me im tryin

    1. Naptime


      Oh gosh. :( I hope things get better for you, love!!


    2. Vallium


      Thank you sweet pea im just trying to keep this baby where it needs to be and keep myself from death 

    3. Sier


      Feel better soon! Do everything you can and blessbe the baby. ♥ Rooting for you

  2. Hello everyone! My name is Anastasia, i'm a wife of a united states marine and mom of a 14 month old baby girl named Lilijah - i'm 21 and i live in houston tx usa I've been diagnosed with Chronic Depression, generalized anxiety disorder, Borderline personality disorder, PTSD and Secondary PTSD, and severe Ante-partem/post-partum depression. Pretty much a very broken lil nerd but my kid is pretty great and her smile lights up my day, so that's pretty much my saving grace right now lmao Ironically, i'm the daughter of a psychologist (she is not the one who diagnosed me, but she's sure as hell in agreement) so i luckily have a mum who can help me out, and in turn i've learned from her how to be a fantastic shoulder for others I try and not allow my numerous illnesses get me down, but some days are worse than others. I'm 100% here if anyone wants to talk, at all, about anything. <3
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