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I wish they weren’t so quick to drop Zuljin like they did. I always thought of him to be a badass picking up after Garrosh but then I guess it would have thickened the plot to Sylvanas but her lore is already so rich in content even from W3 it’s like ughhhhHhHhHh

im happy they included her sisters tho and brought back Jaina since she did just disappear the start of the xpac


i was already devastated when my king variann died 😭😭😭😭 so I hope anduin turns into the badass they made him be in the cinematic 

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3 hours ago, Alex said:

I wish they weren’t so quick to drop Zuljin like they did. I always thought of him to be a badass picking up after Garrosh but then I guess it would have thickened the plot to Sylvanas but her lore is already so rich in content even from W3 it’s like ughhhhHhHhHh

im happy they included her sisters tho and brought back Jaina since she did just disappear the start of the xpac


i was already devastated when my king variann died 😭😭😭😭 so I hope anduin turns into the badass they made him be in the cinematic 


You mean Vol'jin? Zul'jin is not even a Darkspear lmao.

But yeah, I agree. Vol'jin is by far one of the best warchiefs Horde had, and I honestly loved him. I was so sad when he died. But apparently he'll be back in BFA but as a spirit.

Jaina has been kinda laying low since MoP tbh...Now she's finally on the move. I feel sorry for her, she has all the guilt from Arthas already, always a little thought in the back of her mind going what if she had said or done something differently, could she have changed what happened to Arthas and prevent some things? And then the guilt over sacrificing her own father for the sake of peace, only to have that peace nuked by Garrosh and years of hers and Thrall's work and sacrifice destroyed in a second. Not to mention that meant that her sacrificing her father was for nothing, in vain. Man I can't wait for her vengeful bloodshed.



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Sorry to distract from all the Teldrassil stuff but...

HOLY DAMN! This right here is my dream mount. I thought Aeonaxx was a myth but today I finally found him! :lldesire:



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10 hours ago, StarlightRose said:

Yeah, Vol'jin was my def favorite, I was happy to see him as warchief. I didn't think they would kill him after one (terrible) expansion :(  Can't have a good guy be warchief!! Nope.

Vol'jin is my favourite too, since the Warcraft games. I cried when they killed him off at the start of Legion. I don't think Sylvanas is bad Warchief - just some of the things she does right now (for apparent sake of her people is just really odd); I hope that Saurfang becomes Warchief or something happens cause it seems Horde are getting a lot of hate due to the recent Warbringers.


But on the bright side, at least we don't have Thrall / Green Jesus back smh. 


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Let's be honest, Thrall wasn't the best Warchief. His decisions and choices were so wrong, and he fucked up multiple times.

I personally don't think Sylvanas is a good warchieft because in the end, she's just a revenge fueled person that does shit for her own selfish reasons, not for the benefit of the Horde itself.

She's always been selfish. Vol'jin was probably the best warchief the Horde had and they offed him in one xpac lol.

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Yeah I mean he's a fucking retard for doing that, he could've wiped entire Azeroth for all he knew, but he's so power hungry so he doesn't give a fuck. He's lucky it was just the heart, since Y'Shaarj is/was the strongest of the old gods, he could've been fooooooooked.

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Saurfang's cinematic brings back the WOTLK feels when he is holding his son in his arms and I just cried ; n; And I feel ever so bad for him since he wants to have a warrior's death but basically cheated death everytime he got a chance for it, although I don't want him to die since he's another one of my favourites. >>

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Jaina's my girl and I hope that she doesn't die and that after everything she manages to find some piece of mind and let go of the guilt.


Greymane however, should die.

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