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【 Group Guidelines 】


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Welcome to Maplestory 2: UGC Society ♥
From here on out, you will have to commit to following rules and agree to the terms below.


G E N E R A L  R U L E S


• Carefully read Nexon's User Generated Content Policy & User Generated Content Policy v2.

• Aside from Nexon's policies, you must abide by the forum rules here as well which can be found by clicking this link: GASRForum's Guidelines.

• Be respectful of others and try to get along with others here :bgoodjob: 

• No drama, bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, or anything related to those.
• Advertisement in the form of self-promotion (Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, etc) in one's shop is allowed
 if it's in your own shop, however, it is unacceptable if your purpose here is to only advertise and not actively participate in the group.
NSFW content is allowed, however, you must keep it within private messages. Otherwise, you must follow GASR's Image Restriction Guidelines if you wish to post it publically.
• Do not spread false rumors about the group, we're friendly. :bcri:
• Each shop has their own rules but, must not create a loophole within GASR, Nexon and the group's rules. Follow any rules stated in each individual shop as it will make their life much easier and for you too:iduncare:

Failure to read and abide by the rules will result in a removal consequence from the group.


Thank you,




Edited by Touhou
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