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D&D Storytime


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In one of one shot campaigns, we were trying to sneak into a camp, but as  half-orc barbarian I thought that was boring, so I rolled to throw my greataxe into the camp, rolled a 3, and the axe ended up one of the enemy's tents. This woke up the whole camp, who started to make their way to us. I yelled out "He did it!", pointing at our stealthed paladin. I rolled pretty high, but so did he rolled higher for his stealth, so I ended up pointing at a cart in his way. The enemies all thought I was crazy.

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  • 2 months later...

In our last meet up for one campaign we were doing we got transported into the WOW world because one of our players made a character from WOW. We were fighting a fire giant that got like unnatural supernatural powers and used this genie thing to get out. So now our characters are discovering the world of WOW. Its an adventure as we keep making WOW jokes too

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dumbest character death happened to my boyfriend's tiefling bard happened today. We were in the plain of elysyum. The plain of kindness and compassion. My character didn't wanna leave due to the effect of the plain so another player put me to sleep while I was in a tree above the river of Stix (think river in Hercules with all the souls). His character went to save mine before we knew and could only save one of us. He chose to save mine and had to role an int check. He didn't succeed and ended up getting feeble minded. We then couldn't get him out without having to do the int check ourselves so another player lassoed him while only his head was out of the water making it go on his neck. He then got pulled into the water and started drowning. So as the other characters unknowing of the situation continued pulling he was choking and drowning. He got pulled with the lasso so much his neck got snapped.


I am now living contently in the plain trying to take care of players elephant character. One character is leaving the party and the other never came with us due to him not being here. 

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So a very powerful gnome alchemist whose shop we just happened to fall into via way gate gave us some potions to help with the pit lord demon we were about to have to kill. He said he would offer us an extra free different potion if someone in the party drank one use of the first one he was offering, which he said would prevent death, with side effects, such as becoming a different race when you come to. So our Dwarven cleric says hell yeah, and myself & our ranger proceed to full murder-hobo our cleric because "maybe he'd be more useful if he was a different race." He died & came back as a dwarf again, because he was off on the dice roll to race change by 1.
So that was our first character death.
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