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Hiya! My name's Stevie but you can call me Evie/Eve!


I have like seven dogs, all outside except one.



Tell me about yourself ^^


Use this format if you can't come up with one yourself:

(Feel free to add to the format)


Hiya! My name is:

I joined this group because:


My favorite BL manga is:


My favorite non-BL manga is:


My hobbies consist of:


My favorite kind of music is:


My favorite animal is:


[Or just a short Autobiography or both]


Thank you for sharing about yourself~ ♥

Edited by Stevie
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Ahhh, I joined because who don't wanna enjoy some classic yaoi convo and Stevie is a cool cat:hwdance:

The name's Emily. I have no pets, cry. I want a puppy though!

Favorite yaoi is ofc, killing stalking. Need to catch up on it. 

Horrible at this but i'm friendly, so there.


Hope your day is filled with bootyful yaoi 


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