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We have recently made changes to our Staff Team and are now seeking to hire

new members to join us! We are actively looking for individuals to fill the following roles:

Moderators, Support Moderators, Discord Moderators, and Event Coordinators.

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Guideline Update: AI & NFT Related Artworks

We have recently made changes to our community guideline regarding: 

AI & NFT Related Artworks. Please read the announcement for more information.

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ArtHaven Newsletter, January








As of recently, Art Haven has made some adjustments to their moderator titles. They have removed moderators for specific sections of the website, and instead split them into Forum Moderators and Site Moderators. While the overall titles have changed, the general duties have remained the same.







Thank you to everyone who attended Art Haven’s Christmas Movie Night!! We had a blast hosting and streaming our favorite movies for you! for those of you who participated and wanted to receive the badge, you need to have completed the following:


You need to take a screenshot of yourself being in the stream and send the screenshot to an Event Coordinator on AH, not Discord! Please make sure your screenshot shows your username and the movie that is playing.

The badge is in the process of being made and will be delivered ASAP to all who participated, thank you for spending time with us!!





“Lunar New Year”



Congratulations to the Artist of the Moment: nui

Here's a little message from them:

“Hello, I'm nui! I'm a beginning artist that is into drawing cute characters! I specialize in character portraits but, I also dabble into various other art forms as well from time to time (such as animation and pixel art!) I've been learning digital art consistently since 2014!”

Check out more of their artwork here.










What does your Art Haven username mean and why did you choose it?

Well, I just like to eat frankly LOL. But to the humorously contrary part to my username, I’m not a big food person! While my appetite in quarantine says otherwise, I prefer to eat very little and things that have little to no flavour. Bread, however, will always be my downfall.

Is there anyone who makes your Art Haven experience more enjoyable?

Ah, yes, could I possibly have my choice of an anime man to feed me grapes as I scroll through this glorious website? Other than that, I quite enjoy my stay here.

What is your favourite thing about Art Haven?

I sincerely just adore the absolute idea of it, and how it broadcasts and welcomes all artists. It’s a site of creativity, owned & founded by creative people, for creative people and cuts nobody out.


Read more of this article here <--- food's Profile  | food’s Shop







What does your Art Haven username mean and why did you choose it?

I originally wanted my username to be artbynour on Instagram but that was taken, so I replaced ‘a’ with _ and now I’ve just kind of stuck with it on my social media. This was what I was known as for a while, but recently I’ve changed it to just Nour (my name) on Art Haven to keep things simple.

Is there anyone who makes your Art Haven experience more enjoyable?

The people who have supported me with my shop, even just by complimenting.

What is your favourite thing about Art Haven?

Being able to share my art and passion.


Read more of this article here <---   |  Nour's Profile  | Nour’s Shop







What does your Art Haven username mean and why did you choose it?

Oh I wish there was a special meaning behind it, buuuut no, it doesn’t really mean anything. xD I came up with this username back in 2017 on Tumblr when I just started drawing~

Is there anyone who makes your Art Haven experience more enjoyable?

Yes! All my customers! You are the best. <333

What is your favourite thing about Art Haven?

The community without a doubt! Everyone is so nice and talented~! 


Read more of this article here <---   |  Rorichi's Profile  | Rorichi’s Shop









Short tutorial by Hananon at Deviant Art on their painting process:



1. Sketch- Sketch the pose and composition. I also give a rough grayscale shade to check if it looks… believable(?)

2. Line Art- Just do the tedious lining.

3. Base Color- Fill in base colors, each color was in separated layers.

4. Shading & Lighting- When shading this, I use a rather medium to dark value color for shading so the lighting can pop out later. I use normal layers for shading & various other layers for lighting.

5. Effects & Lineart Coloring- Add the effects that I already planned on the sketch. I also do lineart coloring here.

6. Finishing- I feel like I need some background so I draw a space-theme background… you know like they're on a sun-like star and there's a planet near it. I add more glow here on the metals and any shiny objects. Usually I just keep adding things until it satisfies me. The last thing is adjusting the color using color balance, tone curve, and level adjustment.


*throughout the steps, I often fix some mistakes + adjust the hue, saturation, and luminosity.


Credits: Hananon @ Deviantart







Let’s be honest, a lot of these fun facts are inspired by all the blogs within our internet reach. With that being said, Anisha Singh on pixpa has written an article on this very topic! Not only do us Haveners need inspiration, but so do professional artists around the world-- so you’re not alone. Singh was amazing enough to provide us with 25 blogs that she believes we should know about. Not only should you take a look, but even pay attention to our future newsletters to see if you already know our facts!

All credit goes to Anisha Singh on pixpa.



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