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My Practice: Tarot
How?: Some tips that help me are: classical music, a lit candle, something to fondle with my hands (like a stone), having a clean (flat) surface, sounds (phone, desktop notifications) muted.

Resources?: Golden Thread Tarot App - especially for those who don't have a glossary or are learning. Being a tech witch and owning the specific deck is really handy for readings on the fly.

Labrynithos Academy (spelling?) - You can learn tarot be means for flashcard-based learning with their mobile app!

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Disclaimer: I am not a seasoned witch or tarot reader, I am still learning everyday. You can practice these in any way you like. There are no set rules. These are just the ways I like to practice and this is to help others who may need a little direction. If you want to try any of these please do your research!!! <3




My Practice: Wicca, Tarot, and Astrology


Wicca - I don't practice wicca daily. I usually practice once a week since I am still quite new with it. To start the weekly ritual, I'll usually cast a circle, light a candle/incense, think of something I would like to change, then meditate on it. It might be through a spell, sigil, whatever I feel is needed that day. Sometimes I will hold a charged crystal that has something to do with the change I am looking for. (ex. Rose Quartz for love, Jade for Good Fortune, etc.) And when I feel it's the right time to end the ritual, I will thank any deities that helped me that day and extinguish the candle. 

Resources: I usually get all my information on an app called Amino (IOS) under the Pagans and Witches community. The community is very welcoming and has helped me a lot in becoming a great witch! Otherwise I just look info up on the internet.


Tarot - I don't practice tarot as much as I used to. But I still love doing it. I usually like to get in a almost meditative state before I do a reading. Lo-fi instrumental music helps me a lot. I like to pick music that I don't know and that has no lyrics so I don't get distracted. Then once I feel completely at ease, I shuffle my deck and pick which spread would help me through whatever situation I am going through. Then I draw the cards and read. 

Resources: Most of my resources are from books and, again, the Pagans and Witches Amino app. The books I have used are Practicing Magic and The Wild and Unknown Tarot Guidebook. I use the Pagan and Witches Amino app for different spreads and different and fun ways to try tarot. Everything else I had read up online.


Astrology - I use astrology a lot in my readings and in wicca. I like to believe it is a big part of me and is what lead me to wicca and tarot! I learned astrology very, very slowly over the past 4 years. I slowly learned all the different signs, tought myself the chart and how it works. Astrology takes time just as much as the others do but once you understand each personality of the signs it gets so much easier!

Resources: I mostly just used the internet as well as the Co-Star app for IOS. The Pagans and Witches Amino app also has a lot of useful information on Astrology.




That's all for now! Thank you for reading <3 Also add me on Pagan and Witches: @Astrosi !!!! <3 

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