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Valentine OC - Illustration


This was first a 'little' Valentine experiment I wanted to do for an auction, but became a fully rendered out Illustration and my new OC. For the love of Bara men, birds and pink.  :blove:

Everything in the image has been painted!

I been thinking of a name for him, but I'm in doubt. Perhaps you can help me pick ,or suggest a better one? Feel free to list your top 3! Names are in the attached spoiler. :llnyaa:





- Sephares
- Eurion
- Thaemon
- Furis
- Terian


Thanks for looking, and happy Valentine everyone! Spread the love, and not only to your secret admirer but also friends and family! :bfahh: 


© Martinus
  • Like 28
  • 2.99 MB
  • 1450x1450

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First of all amazing illustration! The color theme and shading of this picture is just so pleasing to the eyes :drooly:

From the list, Eurion seems to fit like a glove, but just my suggestion haha! 

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@Vaixe awww thank you!! I'm so glad ypu like it aww I spend about 5 days on it going from sketch -> fully rendered. :whatwherewhen: So I'm happy it's done LOL the hardest thing with large art is actually finishing it. :psobbing:

Tbh... Eurion is also one of my faves, that's why I listed it ofc. :bfcry: I have the largest struggle picking one lol

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Beautiful artwork! @Martinus :cutehehehaaas:The detail is extraordinary!:lazeangel: as for a name how about Eros hes a Greek god of love and desire, I think it would fit him fairly well.

Edited by Naden
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@Tin huehue he a sinister spinoff of Cupido alright, and I don't think his intentions are as nice. :oeyes: The idea was that he has the ability to infatuate / possess others to do things for him. Maybe even set people up against eachother, who knows. :kkekecreep:


@Nadenawww thank you so much. :lazesupersxy: I initially wanted to do a 'sinister male version of Aphrodite'. I wanted a spin off on a name from a god or a at least a name sounding like it could fit among those gods, but I didn't want to copy an already existing name. :bfcry: I'm glad you vibing with the Greek names though when you see him! <3


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Stunning. This is stunning. i can't explain how amazing this is but holy shit i hope you're proud of yourself. this is BEAUTIFUl. The colours, the shading, the sharpness, the composition, the detail, THOSE ABS. everything about this is amazing. 

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