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Status Updates posted by Mimgu

  1. Just made a PYOC! PM me if you're interested in buying it. Price is 8 EURO'S.


    I'll also be setting up a new premade shop since my previous one got shut down because of inactivity. I can't promise it'll be updated regulary, yet! Since I'm still, slooowly, crawling out of my art block. -v-;





  2. Streaming for the first time on Twitch! :bfsweat:


    Feel free to come take a look as I work on a new adoptable! 


  3. New YCH premade available at my premade shop, make sure to check it out! <3





  4. Interest check!


    So I just created an adoptable, and just wanted to know if there would be anyone interested in her at all if I were to make a digital full piece out of it? She is supposed to be a doll, and the side of her face is cracked. Though it is a bit hard to see, I am not the greatest traditional artist. ;v;




    1. Hiroki


      Aww she looks precious

  5. Hello there,


    There is a brand new premade up in my premade shop! Make sure to check it out if you're interested.



    PYOC - Pick Your Own Color


    Name premade: LolliPOP!

    Price: 7 EURO







    My premade shop can be viewed below:


  6. I got my first PYOC (pick your own color) premade available!


    Feel free to visit my premade shop for more information about the pricing: Click here for my premade shop!



  7. New premade available! Check out my premade shop here or PM me if you're interested in buying her! 





  8. WIP of a new premade I'm working on!





    1. Plantsoda


      oooo it's adorable

  9. Got a new premade available, finally! Price is €5 



  10. So I finished making this adoptable today and am selling them for €12 euros, I was just wondering, is that too expensive for what you're getting or is the price just fine?


    I don't want to overprize my art, so I was feeling a bit insecure about it and whether I should lower the price or keep it as is.



  11. New adoptable! Price: €12


    Visit my premade shop for more information! 





  12. Working on a new adoptable!






  13. New premade! It costs €1.50 in my premade shop and includes 4 versions!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mimgu


      Oh omg ty hahah, i didnt want to price it too high since i was afraid it wouldnt get sold and it didnt take me long anyways

    3. Aleksander


      In the end it is your choice, if you wanna sell if fast or not. But I just wanted you to know my uncalled for opinion lmao

    4. Mimgu


      Thats fine! Thanks a lot though ;o;

  14. Working on another potential premade! This one will probably be a bigger sized + DP version ;v;


    Anyone have color ideas for this one?



  15. New premade! I decided to go for a christmas-themed premade. cx



  16. just finished a commission for Yurei-Pon on deviantart, am pretty proud of how he turned out!



  17. W.I.P. Working on a sort of character sheet of my recently redesigned OC Cerpyn >v<



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