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Posts posted by Plague

  1. A: The community I feel like sometimes Gasr is a pretty lonely place and unless you've been here for ages or know people it sometimes can be pretty isolating. So I feel like there should be more in the sense of a community spirit. (Not sure how I'll think on this)


    Q: What is a movie that you associate with your childhood 

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  2. tumblr_npep1kVwcp1uxov6ko1_500.gif

    Hii humans of the internet
    I am a 23 year old headcase from North London,  
    I was born Tuesday 14th December 1993
    I am obsessed with true crime documentaries, serial killers, and crime based tv

    I've been on gasr for a while now, (different account at the time)
    I'm a survivor of mental health, an assault and a five year abusive relationship.
    I'm a blogger and a all round decent person once you get passed the 50 layers of unhinged crazy ♥


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