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Everything posted by Mya

  1. Hello beautiful people! I hope you all are having a nice lovely day or night. I send out all my love and hugs to you guys if you happen to need it. Please remember to keep smiling and remember that it it's okay to fall down but you gotta push yourself back up because you're strong as hell. You all deserve happiness and I hope you guys find that some day or if you have it, I'm so proud of you! You go glen coco! Always to remember that you're not alone in this world and we all have similar like issues so it's okay, we all got to stick together and fight these negative thoughts. Think positive! I know sometimes it can be hard but you have to remember if you want to do good in life, then you're the one who can make it happen. 


    I hope my advice helped you guys or even put a smile on your face. I care about you. I support you. I love you.


    You are AMAZING! image

  2. Mya


    A: Hmm, I would spend it on helping homeless kids and those that need food and shelter. I would also give money to my family! It's a lot of money so I would put some of it in a savings account and the rest use it for my personal needs. Q: What's something that you've always wanted to do but never had the guts to do so?
  3. hi, my name is mya and I have severe depression/anxiety. I got diagnosed at like age 14 because I was getting bullied in middle school. It was the worst time of my life. I then started self harming and having suicidal thoughts. Through the years, I begin to control all of that but I still get really bad panic attacks and sometimes it's so hard to control them. I have medication but sometimes it doesn't help. I learned how to use other methods like listening to calm music helps and talking it out with someone is another thing that helps me a lot. I have now art which is also another coping thing that distracts me when I feel sad or anxious. If it wasn't for art or the many wonderful friends that I have made on gasr, I'd probably be in a darker place. Also of course my family is the more important focus in my life right now.
  4. Hi I'm Mya and I love horror so much. Watching blood gushing out of someone's brain/body is so amazing omg I also hope to meet cool new people
  5. ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ Name: Mya Age: 17 Favorite Food: caesar salad, pizza, enchiladas Favorite Animal: cats but I love all animals Pick Three Words That Describe your Personality: weird, shy, introvert One Song You Can't Stop Listening To: xo Favorite Show: ;-; I have so many fav shows that I couldn't just pick one Favorite Movie: saw movies Favorite Flower!: Sunflower Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry: Strawberry ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
  6. ✼ Name/nickname: Mya ✼ Age (can leave blank if you aren't comfortable telling!): 17 ✼ Favorite weather(s): winter!! ✼ Food you love: ramen, pizza, enchiladas, caesar salad ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: steak, porkchops ✼ A few artists that you adore: Ayumi, TaiyaChan, Panties, Capsule, pissarro, Awshie, Y0UI, Cain, Deth, etc. ✼ Music you listen to: everything except country ✼ Movies or TV shows? And if so, which ones: Tv shows: Quantico, OITNB, The Originals, The 100, Greenleaf, etc. ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs? No ✼ Favorite animal(s): cats, bunnies, doggos (honestly I love all animals) ✼ Favorite color(s): sunflower yellow, pastel pink, black, navy blue ✼ Pet peeve(s): when I’m talking to someone and they don’t show direct contact, pen clicking, doing the opposite of what I told them to do, smacking ✼ Hobbies: listening to music, watching movies/shows, and drawing ✼ Likes: makeup, night time, sleep, macaroons, strawberries, kawaii stuff, vintage cars, fashion, etc ✼ Dislikes: negativity, bullies, dull colors, onions ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: I buy and support my favorite artists and I also opened up a premade shop because I’m getting into digital art as well ✼ What you would like to see in our group?:  fun and friendly people and be able to become friends cuz I need some of those ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: I’m honestly really shy and I stay to myself most of the time but I am very friendly and pretty cool imo! I’m also very crazy and weird :3
  7. hi!!!! I’m Mya, and I’m 17. I’m from Texas and have been hear since forever(help). I love art, kawaii/cute stuff, horror movies, cats, and makeup. My hobbies would include watching netflix, on discord 24/7, or just spending my $$$ on artsu uh I’m bi-demi sexual i also ate spaghetti today lol
  8. ─ G E N E R A L ─ ─────────── Name: Mya Nickname: Mya Papaya Age: 17 Birthday: 12/30/2000 Ethnicity: Mexican & Black Gender: Female Relationship Status: Single ─ P E R S O N A L ─ ──────────── What's your Hogwart's House?: Ravenclaw What do you do after work/school?: Sleep lmao What's something you love doing?: digital art!! Describe your personality in 3 words: weird, crazy, and funny What's your guilty pleasure?: Listening to old folks music on repeat Are you religious?: No Do you shower before or after bed?: Before What's your pet peeve?: when my nephews pee on the toliet seat Least favorite word: yo ─ F A V O R I T E S ────────────── Favorite Color: pastel yellow Favorite Movie: Clueless Favorite Game: n/a Favorite Animal: Cat Favorite Food: Tacos Favorite Smell: apple cinnamon Favorite Song: Daniel Caesar - Get you ft. Khali Uchis Favorite Book: The fault in our stars Favorite Drink: I don’t drink sodas :$ Favorite Boy Name: Brandon Favorite Girl Name: Elizabeth Favorite Shows: HTGAWM, The 100, The Originals, Vampire Diaries, OITNB, Gossip girl, etc. Favorite Chips: Lays barbecue Favorite Style of Food: Mexican Favorite Vacation Spot: Florida Favorite Season: Winter Favorite Holiday: Christmas Favorite Sport: none Favorite Fast Food: Mcdonalds Favorite Icecream: Strawberry Favorite Tea: Peach tea these are fun to do
  9. Mya

    Music (v2)

    this is my fav song
  10. Mya


    a: hello kitty & my melody q: what's your favorite musical movie?
  11. Mya


    A: honestly it would take a while only because there’s so much you have to learn but there’s also those who learn things faster than others so it sorta depends! Q: Ice skating or roller skating?
  12. Mya


    A: haha no Q: What would you name your boat if you had one?
  13. wow, you’re so talented! she came out so beautiful
  14. Mya


    A: hmm I believe there's a place you go when you die before you go to heaven Q: What do you think about gun control?
  15. Mya


    a: painter q: What was the last text you sent?
  16. Mya


    a: we’ll go to new york and go all the way up to the top of a building and get drunk and just be free and talk about us and cherish out last memory together q: What’s your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
  17. Mya


    A: honestly I’m both Q: Do you prefer short or tall people?
  18. Mya


    A: omg I would literally use the restroom trying to aim *if u know what I mean* Q: What’s your favorite game?
  19. Mya


    A: Panama City Beach Q: Would you rather swim with dolphins or swim with the fishes?
  20. Mya


    A: honestly that’s such a tough question to answer but I would change the fact that the kids in Africa or other countries would be able to eat every day and not starve. I would also be kind enough to help out the homeless. I would help anyone who seems unhappy. Q: If you had the choice to make one of your dreams come alive, which one would you choose and why?
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