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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. I am ancient but also a semi-returning user, lol. Hello, I am Cam! I'm currently in my late 20s, and I have three cats, two birds, and a dog. I finished graduate school a few years back, and have been working professionally and pursuing side-projects over the last few years. I'm shaking off some art rust, and have had a focus in semi-realism for ages, but I can also draw in some other styles. I still draw digitally, but not nearly as often as I did a few years back. I work with pens a bit more often because they are so available for me to sketch at any point. I've also been vtubing a couple years now, and found that I enjoy it????? As a fun fact: I did sword fighting in college (long sword was my main study). 


    My DMs are pretty open, but I still am kind of in-and-out as I get used to how much the site has changed since I last truly used it. 

  2. Hello! I'm Cam. I'm an English graduate student in my final year of grad school. I've struggled with anxiety, depression, and ADD. I'm currently 23, and I'm working to get back into art again.


    As a bit of an aside, I had left due my my anxiety. I had a lot of issues logging onto GASR because I had connected my anxiety with it.


    My graduate program has a mandatory underload, and I'm hoping to re-acclimate to GASR and start creating art again during this time. I'm hoping I can teach college classes with my degree when I finish (although, I may need to move x.x), but I'm hoping I can tie art into my everyday life.

  3. :llcreep:


    Hey there! My name is Camilla, but I also go by Cam/Kore/Persephone. I've been around GASR for a while now (since like 2013?), but real life tends to eat me alive. I'm currently in graduate school (for English), so I spend a lot of time working on class work, grading, or conferences. I speak English as my first language, but I'm also familiar with German and Spanish (I've studied a few years in each). I currently work as TA in addition to my graduate studies,but I'm trying to make time again for my art. I love English, but my current program focuses on research and teaching, so it's nice to have a creative outlet to try to change pace.


    If you haven't been able to tell already, I'm a HUGE Greek mythology fan. I'm hoping it will be one of the classes I can teach once I finish my program. I also love cyborgs and all things glowing. If you have any kind of cyborg/robot art, I'm usually all over that.


    I'm pretty shy at first, but once you get to know  me, I won't stop talking. I'm hoping to get used to logging GASR daily again and make more friends now that my schedule has become more flexible. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message to chat. I'm on IMVU daily.




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