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  1. I must confess that I'm in love with a guy much younger than me, I don't even know him personally, we knew each other on a phone game, we exchanged numbers and personal info, and we've been talking everyday during 3 months now. He has become important in my life but he's from another state and we might never meet each other, he likes me back and I've been feeling really happy! I don't know what to do honestly... this sort of '"relationship" we have is going nowhere, and me as the adult I am feel like I should stop all of this because he might get hurt in the end... don't know what to do...

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    2. Anneke



      thank you so much for the advice! You don’t know how much you have helped to clarify my thoughts. I know that’s this would be for the best, he might not see it that way but I know it is! I’ll let him go... thank you dear Paige!



      It’s hard for me to say it out loud but you’re so damn right, thanks for talking from your experience, this is what I needed to comprehend and even to realize even more where this “relationship” is leading... I can say he’s mature for his age but not enough as me and we tend to fight sometimes, I mean it happens in every relationship, he’s 17 and he’s turning 18 in a couple of months, which makes a couple of years of differenc from mine , I’ve been thinking about it and not gonna lie, this hit me “I’m not going to say age gap is a huge deal but you may find yourself in a couple of years experiencing more to life then that person which makes it hard to relate” 

      its kinda hard because he knows about this and he asked me for a chance saying he doesn’t mind getting hurt in the end... which makes me a egoistic girl from my point of view.

      thank you so so much! I’ll do the adult thing, it’s for the best, I know from the very deep that our destiny is to fail as a couple, specially because of the long distance thing...

    3. Daniella


      You're welcome! Yeah, I mean men are usually more immature (sorry dudes who read this) and they do develop slower than females on the maturity scale (proven by science but it also depends on what hardships they have to go through or how they were raised as well).  Fighting is normal in a relationship, it's perfectly okay and healthy to fight as long as it remains respectful and level headed, so no going for low blows or insecurities in your partner to actually hurt them (that's immature and causes unnecessary damage). There really is no point giving him a chance if it's going to fail, but if you think it's going to fail and have that mindset then it already failed before you guys even started.


      It would be different if he was in his early to mid 20s, he would have more of a chance to experience adulthood and also able to gain more of a life perspective. If he was older I would say give it a shot even if it is long distance, but now that I know his age, it's not a smart idea. I do support you guys being friends at least, maybe down the line when he gets older then there could be potential to pursue something while dating other people currently, it gives both of you guys a break from each other but still remain good friends. 

      I want to say it's common to meet like-minded individuals, but I would have to disagree, it's pretty hard now to meet someone that really understands you, or at least tries to understand you. If he does mean a lot to you, I definitely think you should cherish that friendship.


      There's perks to a long distance relationship that a real-life relationship doesn't have so I wouldn't rule out the long distance altogether. You know yourself more then I do, so if long distance doesn't work then that's okay, enjoy dating in real life (Coffee & tea dates are my favorite).


      I'm wishing you the best outcome if you ever need to talk my dm is always open!


      Dani :kcheeks:

    4. Paige


      Ofc! I wish you the best! Speaking from someone the exact same age as him I totally get his end but, understand how its affecting you. He'll be okay and so will you. Personally I don't think anyone my age is truly committed to anything quite yet and we have a lot to figure out and would make a relationship hard. Overall I think you're making the right choice and I support you. You've got this. Keep living your best life and make good choices! Like she said too- if you ever need someone to talk to my dm is open as well. Xoxo :klove:

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