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  1. I must confess that I'm in love with a guy much younger than me, I don't even know him personally, we knew each other on a phone game, we exchanged numbers and personal info, and we've been talking everyday during 3 months now. He has become important in my life but he's from another state and we might never meet each other, he likes me back and I've been feeling really happy! I don't know what to do honestly... this sort of '"relationship" we have is going nowhere, and me as the adult I am feel like I should stop all of this because he might get hurt in the end... don't know what to do...

    1. Paige


      Idk how young you mean he is but, I think if it's the appropriate thing to do- to cut it off- then that's just how it is, yah know? I think that in your own heart you know what's best. Do what's best for you and the other party. It's okay to let good things go if it's for the best. But, I don't know all the details. If he's as young as I'm presuming he is then I mean. It's just how it is and letting go is probably for the best.


      Overall just do what's best logically. I hope your situation gets figured out soon~ you know more about your situation than I do so:bfwhateverrr:

    2. Daniella


      Disclaimer: you don't have to listen to me, I don't know all the details or the situation you are fully in, and I'm talking mostly from personal experience dating long distance and with boys who are younger but legal age.


      You get caught up in the idea of love, you get attached to someone who is very far away. It's almost like a forbidden love in a sense, because right now in your situation they are much younger and there really isn't a way to get around it.


      You could remain friends and pursue nothing romantically until they become of age. It may take a year(s) depending on their age now, they still have a lot of maturing to do, they are going to need time to fully grow as a human being which requires space (not in a relationship). They will probably take a different life path as you, depending on their living situation. It pretty much stops your ability to pursue someone who is ready for a healthy relationship because you are emotionally involved with someone who still needs a lot of time.


      I'm not going to say age gap is a huge deal but you may find yourself in a couple of years experiencing more to life then that person which makes it hard to relate. In a sense, you will probably be better off financially, more emotionally mature, and in a better space physically.


      My logical side is saying to cut all ties and give yourself some room to breathe, meeting someone and hitting it off is great. It's new, it's exciting, you enjoy each others company but realistically you need to look from a practical point of view of where it could even lead. (That's if he is of legal age, so if he isn't then you should probably add the year(s) of waiting.) 


      I would do the adult thing, cut ties, and try to meet someone around your age.

      Personally, I have dated younger boys in my past and I can tell you now that I currently don't date anyone younger or the same age as me. Most of it has to do with maturity level and personal growth.

      (I thought I should add this in, In no way do I think age defines maturity level or personal growth. I know many people who are mature and much younger than me. It's a personal preference in dating and it could change.  There are exceptions to every rule depending on the person.)

      I do hope you find the love you deserve! :byaslove:


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