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Posts posted by Jecka

  1. Hi all! I'm sorry for the inactivity these past days, my arm got hurt (not that bad) during an exercise, so I am letting it rest for a bit. I will continue with the drawings again from Wednesday on. And will open 2 slots as soon as I finish the sketch I am working on right now, please bear with me :lazecry:


    @ Plz  No worries at all! Hope everything's alright c:

    • Like 9
  2. @ Glory  Accepted (: The total would be $22 for hb+animation (I'll try to do the ears wiggle, but I think I can lol)

    If you want the cloud background to be on the Halfbody as well it'd be +$2, if not then only on the DP (I wasn't sure what was the case) :lazepeek:


    @ Vix  Got it! I wasn't sure so I wanted to ask if you also want the white bunny in the refs?  If you do, total would be $40 for fb+pet+background

    If not, let me know :cutehehed:


    @ Deceased  Accepted + sent DM (:



    Slots full for now, thank you! ♥

    I will be posting sketches soon, but the days when I will be able to draw more are Thursdays-Sundays, so I might be slow the other days LOL

    • Like 1




    Incendiary: Halfbody Sketch ⛧

     clowneys: Halfbody - Not started 

    Username: DP/Bigart - Not started ⛧

    ⛧ Not started / Sketch / Done 





    Type?: DP/Halfbody/Fullbody 


    ⛧ References: Can also be sent on DM 

    ⛧ Extras: Like pets, background, etc 

    ⛧ Animation?: 




    • Like 7






    Hi there! I'm Jessica (aka Jecka) (:

    Finally, after some years I'm back! This time I'll go slow to avoid collapsing.

    Some changes here and there... But I had to think of irl first.


    Don't forget to read the rules and ask anything you'd like! ♥








      All AH rules apply.

     ⛧ I'll open only 3 spots at a time. If they're all DPs        then I'll open one more.

     ⛧ First come, first served. There will be no waitlist,        taglist, or bribes.

     ⛧ One order per customer/slot.

     ⛧ I reserve the right to use artworks for artist              promotion, including but not limited to: Instagram,        Twitter, YouTube. These will have a watermark.


      No name changes after the artwork is done.

     ⛧ I'm new to NSFW, but you can order it. You have to          reserve the slot here when it's open, and then send        refs via DM or Discord/Instagram

     Payment will be sent after showing the final preview.

     ⛧ If you want to cancel an order, you can do so after        the sketch, before confirmation to move forward.

     ⛧ My most "free" days are on Thursday and Friday.








     • Single DP $18

     • Couple DP $25






     Size 160x220px

     Always with   name/watermark





     Payment in USD

     via PayPal.me






     • Pets $2-$4

     depending on   complexity

     • Animations

     Wink/blink $1

     others $2



     You'll receive

     the still v. and   one animated


     Tattoos will be

     drawn with my own






     • Half body $20

     • Full body $30




     • +Character hb $10


     • +Character fb $15

     • Pets $5 each


     • Background $5-$10


    I'll draw anything except furries (males in the future)


    Standard pieces are without background, with a white outline unless requested otherwise.

    You'll receive a DP as well.




    I won't draw brands, self-harm or hyperrealism.

    Real people references will be modified to my style.












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