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Posts posted by Riniyu

  1. 23 hours ago, Acirah said:


    style: anime

    size : dp

    references: https://sta.sh/213cogn2rskk?edit=1<---

    Pose: Anything cutesy and what you will feel suit my oc complete freedom on this one!

    additional info: the bows/ribbons and clips of her hair can be any kind that you like!

    background color: anything that you feel like!

    text on dp: Acirah

    accepted ! you can feel free to send the payment <3

  2. 15 hours ago, Wuv said:


    style: anime

    size : dp

    references: Elva<- 

    Pose: pose Idea <- Maybe something like that where she has her hands out and fireflys around her

    additional info:  Fireflys around her, blink animation

    background color: fireflys in background, kinda dark background like night time

    text on dp  Wuv


    (2)form :

    style: anime

    size : dp

    references: Estel <-

    Pose: In Ref's You can Choose <3

    additional info:  lilypad hat with frog, winking animation (she has huiman and Fairy form but you can choose)

    background color:  artist choice

    text on dp/wm on full body :  Wuv

    accepted! do you wish for the fireflies in first commish to be animated as well?

    price with 2 dp +2 eye animations will be 50eur including taxes and discount

    if you want the firefly animation too, it will be 55 eur total!

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