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Status Replies posted by Yummoz

  1. Second piece I have done with my sketching on procreate ♥♥spacer.png

    1. Yummoz


      ooo nice art!!

  2. I miss imvu so i went back on itt for a bit tonight


    add mee, toiz is my user!

    1. Yummoz


      Added u my user is Koyangko

  3. Would you guys be interested in a discord server? I'm not a popular creator, but it'd be fun to have a tiny community there for people who like my art and other artists to join in on ^^


    1. Yummoz


      Discord server can boost your arts become more popular


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Would you guys be interested in a discord server? I'm not a popular creator, but it'd be fun to have a tiny community there for people who like my art and other artists to join in on ^^


  5. Getting a job is so hard :’) I applied to several and nothing


    Lowkey crying bc i struggle hella and a job would help so much but hfhsjfjs NO ONE WANTS ME IDK WHY



    1. Yummoz


      awww you can come here work for me joking.. haha


      maybe you should try to contact them

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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