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Posts posted by Kirbee

  1. Artwork: Screenshot_3.png.036a8f40f59510932680c47608fb8acc.png
    Approx. Date Received: Not mine. The IMVU user's name is Fenchel. They do not want to provide me with the info on whose this is.
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet

    I am looking for this because this is basically my IMVU avatar. A German user has bought this IMVU edit and doesn't want to tell me who she got it from. She's giving me stupid answers like "from ebay" and I am pissed. I know it's not illegal or anything to make IMVU edits based off of someone else's avatar but this is really shitty.
    I never agreed on this and it took me hours to make a unique avatar and so I want to know who it is and it to be altered enough to not resemble me anymore.

    Thank you for your help.
    Here's a screenshot of my avatar:

    Screenshot_4.png.0f534bead6944ed5a376436916ee0d6e.png Screenshot_5.png.28a1d4e12464e69fe1640ab98ac06040.png

    Edit: The user told me apparently she edited it? I am not sure if she is right though.
    She refuses to take it down.
    She showed me an avatar that has the same hair and eyes, but everything else is different but claims it's hers.
    I submitted a help ticket to IMVU for privacy violations. Does anyone know what I can do to have this taken down?

    I  am very uncomfortable with my virtual identity to be used like this without my permission.

    Thank you for any help in advance.

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