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  1. guyss, does anyone know any trick to resize dps (from the size you work on to the dp size) without losing too much quality??

    i feel like i'm losing all the details when i resize and it's driving me insane

    thank u

    1. Ivyx


      Sharpen filter, but don’t sharpen it too much- use smart sharpen if it’s available in your program. (It’s under the filters tab usually)

    2. Hope


      Sharpen works wonders! 

      Aswell make sure the dimensions you paint on are just DP size- but bigger. Same width and height dimensions. 

      Otherwise it'll warp when downsizing and you loose quality. 

      Don't paint TOO big and learn to leave out "useless" details that noone will see. 

      I know details are important! I even make sure to paint skin pores and wrinkles, however make sure they're not too small so they don't turn invisible when downsizing. 


      Always zoom in and out when working on bigger canvas to see if your details are even visible- and needed- or not. 


      That helped me a lot with frustration after downsizing. I hope it helps you too! :@D@:

    3. Elsen


      I agree with the above- sharpen is very helpful when resizing images.

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