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  1. It’s really sad to see that one person only comes to my art streams EVERYTIME just to see how I do stuff and trying to copy that. Not gonna mention who it is but I’m not the only one who noticed this and this is not the first, second or third time that this same person keeps trying to do this. I’m in my right to be mad and because of all of this I’m not gonna stream on twitch more of my art for now, will only do some sessions with join.me to my friends that I can trust. But thank to all of you who always keep supporting me no matter what.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sai


      Personally I don't get why people copy. The world is full of many beautiful and inspiring things, also everyone has their own perception. It's very sad when people prefer to choose someone else "preferences" than theirs.

    3. Alxi


      Sorry to hear this hun, I personally can't fathom why people are like this.

      Nothing more frustrating than a rip off of your style/process. 

      Sending lots of hugs and can't wait to see the new batch of premades soon. 


    4. Lunna


      Thanks for the words guys. It's really sad to know that are people like this in this community, due to my health I already get to unmotivated to do art and now with this I'm afraid that it will get worse. And the worst part is that this person keeps seeing my profile and even reating to my posts... Sigh.

      Anyway, this is the piece she stole some ideas/my details in my current style:


      She copied the lips (shape, color, teeth and EVEN THE BEAUTY MARK). My details on how I do the eyes and even the hairstyle but she did the hair coming on the front but in both sides. I know what I'm saying because she started doing this after my stream.

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