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Status Updates posted by Katoxpinyin

  1. Streaming Paradise Kiss fanart


  2. There seems to be some issues with my Shop so it can';t be accessed, but for ppl interested  I have open slots and I can provide screenshots of the prices and examples.

  3. To all my supporters on this site, either with kind words, hearts or commissions:


    I might be sleep depraved and emotional today - I realised how blessed I have been ever since I came to this website, and this year more than ever. 

    I am a shy person, I am scared of saying the wrong or dumb things so I will be seen in forums only on my best days.. so I am glad you guys came to me instead!


    I am thankful to every nice comment that made me feel better about my art and to every heart that made me feel noticed.

    And I am thankful to the many commissioners that sometimes put blind faith in my skill. This year has been filled with amazing requests that pushed me to learn more and more. References of beautiful characters and ideas, but in special backgrounds that I had no idea I could make, but you believed in me.

    We might not have much of a direct relationship, but in my personal life very few people encouraged me or cared about my drawing, so you are truly my pillars of support and I would have never gotten here without you. 


    Thank you!


    I used to hold raffles every summer or take a few requests a year, I dont know when i did that last time, but it's coming soon. 

    I wish you all the best, sincerely. 

    ❤️ Frases de nana ❤️☑️ - Frase 103: NANA OSAKI - Wattpad

  4. Trying SAI2 and doing a personal piece on Stream : 

    I am watching HOUSE MD.


  5. Ugh do statuses work here anymore? well if they do


    Im alone tonight and Im scared so I cant sleep so I need something pretty to watch ;; v ;;

    No horror//

    1. ChocolateTentacles


      Steven Universe is a pretty show to watch if you want to do a cartoon to relax :cutehehehaaas:

    2. Katoxpinyin


      @ChocolateTentacles oh I know about SU, I watch a little bit but lately I dont feel into cartoons/anime, I watch a lot of movies tho xD

      Usually cartoons have a lot of episodes so I get discouraged in watching them even if I like them.. but then there are shows like Puppycat and Bee that I wish would come back ;; (

  6. Updated my shop with new examples 

    About to make it 7 kilometers long cause I forgot about the reference sheets...

    :lazecry:guys i worked so many hours on these and now I forgot to do the ref sheets panel and I have to open InDesign again, I dont know if I can mentally handle this program anymore send help p l s

  7. Welcome to my life where at 11:30 pm I receive a paypal mail saying my account has been blocked and I go into a spiral about how I'll pay rent what will I do who do i borrow from until i realise its a fake link. 


    I'm so tired of this//

  8. When you find money you forgot about / thought you lost


  9. Who's making an adoptable first time in yearsRelated image



  10. Will probably update my prices to reflect 10€/hour soon (up from 6-7). 

  11. You know, it's not nice at all to be 1,62 meters height and have a puffy face, even the cashiers from the corner supermarket talk to you like you're 13 yo brat asdgfgf 

    Sorry i got disrespected and now I'm mad and needed to complain :lazetears:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katoxpinyin


      @Ophelia that's so cute thank you T A T

    3. Naptime


      :lldesire: Plot revenge.



      Srsly though, im sorry! It sucks, and people suck. I look hella younger than my age too and it does get annoying when people treat you like youre 12. Its one thing to like assume and treat you like you know nothing because you seem younger, and its another thing to just put an age on you and go about their day. 


      Jokes on them tho cus we will be lookin hella cute when we are old.



    4. Katoxpinyin


      @Naptime hell yeah I'll be 13 till I'm 60 yo and then I'll transform into an old lady with wrinkles in just one day, poof.

      wait no I take that back I want to be respected

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