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Posts posted by Mojito

  1. Hello!!
    I'm terrible at this kind of thing!! My name is Chloe, I'm 26 soon to be 27... x_x I reside in the south east of England, not far from London actually :) I took a huge 2 year hiatus from IMVU, due to being utterly messed up in my head XD Basically I ended up in a abusive relationship, and he wouldn't give me back my stuff when I finally got the courage to break up so I haven't had a laptop for all this time either. Taken me a year to find myself again and I'm happy to report that I've found someone amazing now :) ANYWAY.... Dark segment over XD I work in a restaurant, so so glad Christmas is over for that reason!! I have 2 dogs, and a hamster. My mouse recently passed away, trying to resist adopting more until I've moved out. Erm??? See this is where I get stuck, but nobody reads this really though right? Hmm Well... I love gaming, but I'm terrible at it... I love weird stuff like collecting mugs and teapots haha, or maybe thats just because I'm British? I have 5 tattoos, well technically 4 but I'm getting my 5th in a couple weeks and I'm already planning my 6th!! Ok now I REALLY don't know what to say lol, its just good to be back I suppose :) x

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