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Status Replies posted by Celestia

  1. Hi guys this isn’t art related but this is for my math class and this project is an exam grade (letter grade) if any of you guys can help out that would be awesome 


    please and thank you 


    the the question is In-N-out or McDonald’s 


    you up don’t like any you can choose neither or you like click both




    please comment when you have taken it you have to click the survey to answer it


    help this straying artist get this last math class over with!

    thank you again 

  2. Hi guys this isn’t art related but this is for my math class and this project is an exam grade (letter grade) if any of you guys can help out that would be awesome 


    please and thank you 


    the the question is In-N-out or McDonald’s 


    you up don’t like any you can choose neither or you like click both




    please comment when you have taken it you have to click the survey to answer it


    help this straying artist get this last math class over with!

    thank you again 

    1. Celestia


      In-N-out is a popular burger joint here in California :) but thank you for doing the survey! 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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