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Posts posted by Sadist

  1. On 7/25/2018 at 2:59 AM, Kiom said:

    Hi Hi


    I'm yajaira and I'm here because despite being scared of everything, I love horror/terror.

    I do have to admit that the gross out category of horror is my least favorite, I just don't have the stomach for that sort of stuff.

    I hope I get to meet some cool new people here.



    On 7/25/2018 at 2:26 PM, Mya said:

    Hi I'm Mya and I love horror so much. 

    Watching blood gushing out of someone's brain/body is so amazing omg

    I also hope to meet cool new people :kcheeks:


    Welcome folks!  :D  Glad to have you!

  2. Hello to all who come after me.


    I'm Ave.  I make art for a living.  I have a deep love of transformation and body horror.  My favorite authors are Stephen King and Junji Ito.  I'm a huge Cronenberg fan if you couldn't tell.  

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  3. The rules here are pretty straight forward.


    Follow general site TOS, of course.  


    No stealing anyone's art, claiming it as your own, etc. etc.


    Be kind to other members.  


    If you are going to post a topic that may be offensive please put a warning in the title. 


    The rules are subject to change depending on what comes up in the future.


    Have fun.


    Feel free to join the Discord server for chatting, art, and gaming---

    The Cannibal Circus

  4. A:
    I'd choose to really get my businesses booming.  I have a couple small ones I'm trying to build up and the startup is going slowly.  To be able to just get things going really well would be a huge financial and mental relief.



    If you could have any one ability/power, what would it be and why?

  5. A: 

    Becoming a chef and building a small art business, as well as getting through addiction.



    If you could change any one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    • Like 1
  6. A:

    The Black Cauldron or Mulan



    Would you you accept the money if you were offered a million dollars,

    but everything you smelled and ate tasted/smelled like cold Chef Boyardee products?

  7. A:

    Oh boy, do I have a lot of them.  First off, the worst movie in the world, Panman.  It's a more than B horror movie that is more fun to watch other people suffer through watching it than it is entertaining of itself.  

    That being said, anything by the Troma team is really a guilty pleasure.  Things like Poultrygeist that you really can't sit through unless you're drunk, high, or chilling with a bunch of dudes who you get to watch suffer through it.  I adore it.



    Who is your least favorite music artist, and why?

  8. A:

    Probably monkeys or armadillos.



    Would you accept a million dollars, but at the cost of everything you eat tasting of paste and having the texture of sand?

  9. @Amora

    It's not all cold and snow up here.  I got heat stroke last summer lol.



    NateWantsToBattle's Enjoy the Show has been stuck in my head for days.



    If you could have any animal as a pet with no consequences and it being perfectly tamed, what would it be?

  10. A:

    I saw Fallout Boy a while before they blew up in popularity.  I used to have a crappy cd from that concert.  They were opening for another band but I don't remember what it was.

    I just remember that I loved the Patrick's face.

    I was a lame kid.



    Are you currently in school for anything?

    If not, what do you do for work?

  11. A:

    My goals in life are to grow my business and eventually get a few food trucks. 

    I also want to one day build a house of my own with a large enough back yard that I can have a huge edible garden with an apiary.



    What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

  12. A:
    For me, what makes me nostalgic of home is the smell of the woods.  The sound of water and leaves crushing under my shoes. 

    The scent of pine, maple, and sassafras on a hot summer day also remind me of home.

    Scents of salt air and hot sand also bring me back.  Seagull cries, the wind off the beach...  It's very nostalgic.



    Where is your favorite place to be?  Ie. particular building, an area, a particular vacation spot, etc.

  13. A:

    I struggled for a while with addiction and was able to get clean and stay clean. 

    I've grown a lot from that place and now have my own business and have been the head chef in some great kitchens.


    Are there any particular art mediums you prefer over others? 

    Do  you have a favorite artist, and if so who are they?


    • Like 2
  14. Thought I'd go ahead and throw an introduction in here.  I was around on the old site but have always been too busy to keep up with things.

    Until now.

    Hi there.  I'm Ave.  (A-ve)
    I'm 26 and I finally moved to Toronto with my (now) husband irl.  Now that I have I've really gotten back i n to my artwork, commissions and making/selling prints and the like.  
    I love horror, both the unexpected kind and body horror.  I am also big on snow leopards, falcons, and D&D.  I wish I was better and making cute stuff, but everything I try to make cute turns out scary.

     I cosplay a lot.  I am constantly busy.  And I'm also a chef.  (Whoot, food!)

    Really, there isn't much I dislike.  I'm pretty friendly and sociable.  Also, I'm super business oriented and I like numbers.  But numbers are important when you are married to a programmer.  Ha.

    I adore languages, scenery, beaches, and the ocean.  I watch a lot of horror movies and a lot of anime.  Reading is something I do almost as much as watching.  When I draw, I watch movies and youtube videos.  It is very hard for me to focus on more than three things at once.  
    Anime conventions excite me.  
    That's about it.


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