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  1. (I know this probably isn't the proper place to post status's like this, and to keep it on facebook, but this is the most supportive community I have come across, and right now, I need support.)
    I was just woken up with the news my 18 year old, childhood cat, Snowball. My best friend, companion, and fur baby had passed away today.
    The last few days we desperately watched him deteriorate.
    Soon, he just stopped eating, and drinking. He lost control of his own bladder, and became unstable, unable to walk without pain.
    We had come to the conclusion that nobody had deserved that sort of pain, and we took him to a clinic to put him down.
    It's one of the hardest decisions anyone is forced to make in their life because goodbye's will never be easy.
    Just last September we lost our other kitty, Sassy whom we got shortly after Snowball.
    I may be stepping away from my art for awhile, or I may drown myself in it, and do art frequently.
    I can't really say. 
    Both lived tremendous, well pampered, and well spoiled kitty lives, and are in a better place now.

    Snowball - left ; Sassy - right;

    1. Sulky


      Rest peacefully to both Sassy and Snowball.
      I bet they're together now, somewhere, playing like cats do best!
      And 18 years is such an impressive age for a kitty. He must've had the life of a real king. ♥

    2. KikoChi


      I feel u bb, my cat died of urinary problem too, we wanted to take him to vet but it's too late and I had to watch him vomit blood before his last breath, it's really painful. Till now I always feel his presence next to my door (where he used to cuddle with his brother) few days after that somebody gave us a stray kitty, i know she can't exactly replace him but she's perfect the way she is >//< 

      Stay strong bb u're not alone ❤️ 

    3. Jimin


      Rest in peace to both of your sweetest kitties. ❤️
      - I love my cats so much, I could never imagine losing them.
      I definitely know what it feels like, I rescued this sweetest stray that was around my neighborhood about 2 years ago, but I couldn't bring it around my other cats till I got him checked out, but I was so scared to bring her to the vet because, I didn't know if she would be alright, but she had the final stage of Leukemia, most heart-breaking thing of my life, and I made the choice of putting her down, and it ruined me, because I can't imagine doing that, but the Vet kept telling me, she would of just suffered. 
      - I bet they're in a happy place, sleeping together, and enjoying their place in Kitty Heaven. Sending my support your way :walove:

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