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    Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend and got to spend it in a way that makes you happy.
    Here's another update from me.


    I know I need to send some people invoices and others are waiting on their custom pieces. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this week is possible for me to draw and get things out.



    As most of you know, I work a full time job. Lately, one problem has risen up after another and takes up a lot of my energy. This week is another one of the busy ones and I've been neck deep in code and data. I will be going into the office tomorrow and heading up for a client meeting on Thursday. I'm also hosting my own early birthday party on Saturday so I'll need to take half the day off on Friday and basically all of Saturday to attend to that.


    I will try to get to some of the pieces on Sunday but most likely I'll be busy catering to the guests who have to stay overnight and will be too tired to pick up my tablet.
    I know that I am probably taking advantage of everybody's patience and kindness, and normally I wouldn't let myself be backed up on orders like this. However, orders and time don't always match up and I've found myself in this situation. For those who are upset by this long wait, I'll be compensating by either knocking off $$ from your order or adding extra bears to your name in the reward system.
    I am grateful and very appreciative for all your patience. Thank you!


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