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  1. I'm so sorry to everybody who has been waiting on stuff for me.
    Work is as busy as I expected and unfortunately I came down with a cold (and now might be fighting off some kind of gum/tooth infection).
    I will try to get some WIPs and premades out Friday.
    Thank you all for your patience!

    1. Xunjo


      Sorry to hear your condition hasn't improved sweetie. Your health is important, so continue to do what you can to care for yourself! Please take some time off from work to rest if you can, and at least get to a doctor for your teeth and cold! :bhee: (just in case they are being caused due to each other ya know? just suggestion :3)

    2. Fujoshi


      Aww, thank you dear! My immune system just really sucks. I'm nearly over my cold now but the infection came up...and then I had food poisoning last Monday before I caught my cold zzz

      I wouldn't be surprised if the infection and cold have a relationship to each other

    3. Xunjo


      That sucks your immune system is a butt, but yeah you've had a bad go of it past week oml. Hoping you feel better good, and can be working at 100% again :byaslove:

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