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Status Replies posted by yeorin

  1. Hello you shiny little gem~

    Snap_Wetdu8Cgqv225879819.gif  Snap_9lp97htitL1589023816.gif  Snap_ElTDBmOrOv1708889865.gif

    I hope you wake up smiling.


    1. yeorin


      NO U

      why are you always so cute omg :bhee::bhee:

  2. Tryna get back in the mood after being gone for forever x. x w.i.p.


    1. yeorin


      uwa welcome back!! your art looks great as always :lazierblush:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi ! i'm Mitchiri~ maybe you know my name from a lot of badges made from me,some descriptions or some dp
    I've sadly leave this great community like 2 years ago,for really personal issues.
    Here are some examples of my work. :bfstar:


    1. yeorin


      hi mitchiri, welcome back! your art is super cute!! :klove:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I am finally back to take on more orders! Thank you for waiting :cutehehehaaas:

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