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Posts posted by Grimmgall

  1. I have a question: When you say that AI-generated content that is utilized to "practice your skills" may be posted, what exactly is meant by "practice your skills?" Would this entail, for example, utilizing AI-generated content as inspiration for character designs or other artistic element designs so long as they are not credited as being your own? Would this entail utilizing AI to color/complete a drawing for you as long as you credit the AI for its contributions? Would this entail posting AI-generated images that are fueled by your own previous creations as long as the AI is credited for the generated image? Or would this entail posting any and all AI-generated content, regardless of its origin or your creative participation, so long as you are not selling it? Because, if it is the latter (any and all images), this seems like it could deter people from enjoying this website fully as most users on art websites despise the hosting of AI-generated images and many refuse to participate on websites that allow for these to be hosted on their platforms, especially when AI-generated content overrides non-AI-generated content in terms of exposure and there are very few, if any, options in filtering these content from view. Are there any plans on addressing this? Because, I would love to encourage more people to join this wonderful website, but I am afraid that allowing any and all AI-generated images to be posted alongside the allowance of NFTs may deter them from joining and participating.

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  2. Greetings, everyone! I have a set pricelist already, but I would like to know if my prices can be considered fair for the quality of my artwork.


    Uncolored sketches start at $16 for a headshot (from the waist-up at most, shoulders-up at least) and end at $34 for a full body.

    Flat colors with clean, detailed lineart start at $36 for a headshot and end at $46 for a full-body.

    Color & Toning with clean, detailed lineart start at $54 for a headshot and end at $64 for a full body.

    Lineless paintings start at $68 for a headshot and end at $94 for a full body.

    I charge extra for extra characters and scenic backgrounds.

    My full pricelist with examples can be seen here.


    I'm a bit scared that my prices may be too high for my artistic abilities, but I also want to ensure that I can be paid a price that I'd be satisfied with—that won't make me want to abandon the commission and have to (potentially) refund the customer. What do you guys think? Thank you and have a nice day!

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