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Posts posted by NekoMeowcy

  1. No idea if you are currently accepting any art at the moment, but I couldn't pass up attempting to get a piece from you incase you are accepting!! 


    Stash of Ocs: 

    Text / Watermark : NekoMeowcy

    Size: Any size!

    Extra : Feel free to do any pose/clothing you think would look good with the characters! I love to see artistic freedom shine~
    Thank you so much for considering!!

  2. Hello Hi! I LOVE your art and would love to see you do something with one of my babies!

    Text: NekoMeowcy

    Most information is included in the seperate stashes, but if you have any questions just @ me or dm!
    thank you for concidering! ♥

  3. ✿Ref(s): All my babies♥

    ✿Poses: I love anything cute, but all of my babies should have pose reference ideas, if not artistic freedom!~

    ✿Color palette/anything extra?: Depends on who you choose~

    ✿Text: NekoMeowcy

    Thank you for the oppurtunity! Super excited to see what you do if I'm chosen 

  4.    Hello all.. I'd like some help with how to price my art.. I'm pretty new to art in general and I know I need some work but I really want to  open a premade shop at some point so I need to start thinking about prices. Here is my most recent art works I've completed 



    Also some soft critique would be nice!

  5. On 4/19/2021 at 9:09 AM, shokochao said:

    Accepted! (sorry for the late reply, school has been a little harsh this week, so that may cause some delays) And yes, the total cost is $15! Once I receive payment I will keep in touch with commission progress (and dw I do send at least one wip via DMs and such)~

    I added a septum ring to the order, if you need extra payment for that let me know! It completely slipped my mind >~<

  6. I would like ~ One full body OC| With outfit from pose reference (no backpack)| The OC 


    With ~ Different crops if allowed (Full body, Bust up, Dp crop) + The Text/Watermark NekoMeowcy

    In this specific pose ~ This pose, but with cat hands Cat hand

    With this emotion ~  and this body type 

    Extra ~ If you could send periodic WIP updates through Dms I'd greatly appreciate! ♥  | Add septum ring in silver

    The total cost ~ Full body Oc $15 = $15

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