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Posts posted by Hashiyukas

  1. Heyo! o/

    I'm Xii, a 25 year-old nerd from Chile. I've been a member of IMVU since pretty much the beginning of everything but my current account (because I've had lots omg) has five years already! Woohoo! :lazedances:


    Some of my interests include lolita fashion, the color pink, hedgehogs, drawing, writing (In the form of roleplay, mostly,), movies, TV shows, anime and manga and videogames! I'm also a huge fandom nerd, and I belong to WAY TOO many fandoms to name them all lmao.


    I came here mainly to admire all of the beautiful artwork the members make and share - and throw around some cash to directly support them when I have the monies:lazierblush:Y'all are SO talented! But I'm also here to learn some tricks of the trade as well - I'm an artist too, and I would love to practice and improve my drawing skills! I wish to become a professional illustrator one day, paired along with my desire to go to medical school!



    It's a pleasure to meet you all ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I hope to see you around!

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