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  1. Hey my Dears!

     Maybe you wonder why I don't upload more wips before my premades, in fact I was doing it on instagram but recently someone took the trouble to screw up my instagram and not only that but also one of my relatives which I followed. (who takes the time to search and do all that?)
    But she was smarter to do the account and was able to get it back. It was a relief because for me it was not a big thing to lose it but it would have bothered me that because of me she was also screw up.

    And let's clarify that I do not think anyone on this site was responsible, I have my suspicions but it is someone who is banned here so ... but who knows, I'm not going to target anyone

    Maybe in the near future I'll make another instagram :)

    I almost forgot what I came for! 

    let me know if anyone wants to be tagged before i upload the new premades

    and I think that in about 2 weeks I will open some slots for customs again! I just have to figure out how to organize all that, if you have any ideas let me know. Did you like the method of the last voting time?


    Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Himsa


      I think so too, not like you have to keep it a secret. If you get a premade it is because you want to have it no matter what and also show it, that's what they are made for! to share them with the world! (no problem with DMs anyway) just be proud of your premades and punch the envious ones in the face :erlmo:

      (just kidding, be nice to each other)


      and guys I did not recover my instagram account, I will not be around anymore. only if I make a new one*

    3. Hiroki


      Perhaps make a premade shop temporarily till you decide to make a new account or not?

    4. Viu


      May I be tagged please? :blush:

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