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  1. Hey guys,

    it has been almost a month, since I was really active on GASR (all I did was just checking the updates on forum)

    I feel like I need to let you know at least why... My boyfriend's family had a really hard time dealing with his sisters medical condition since the beginning of 2019. She got first epilepsy seizure at the age of 19. We had to rush her to the hospital on 2nd of January, because she got at least 5 seizures in the row. They did some check ups, put her on MRI, echo, cardio tests to figure why did this occur. They diagnosed her with epilepsy and put her on Keppra medication. They told us she have two shadows on her brains and have to repeat the tests again. It's still hard to deal with everything, especially for her.


    I apologies again to my customers and thank for all the support. :blove:

    I've been really bad on fulfilling the orders because I lacked the motivation in past few weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DIA
    3. river


      I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through...

      I think that, in life, we have a lot of horrible, unexpected surprises...

      But, I feel that as a society we are able to overcome the problems, or at least reach a stage of harmony, with each other's help and support.

      I genuinely hope that everything gets better for you and your relatives soon...

      Have hope. Maybe use art when emotions build up too much inside you?

      Everything will be okay soon.


    4. DIA


      Thank you @Pino for the supportive words. :klove:

      It was really hard to deal with everything and on top of that stressful. I've started working on art this week and it feels better, thought I'm still worried about her.. I'm glad I have the best boyfriend to motivate me. I was really surprised how calmly he was dealing with all

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