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Everything posted by Hinab_Ku

  1. Hinab_Ku

    E L L I E

    Backgrounds are hard to do ;-; I messed up the frames so I had to redo them :0 hi i'm an idiot This Christmas piece is for Tranquilized(Sailor Spoon@DISCORD)~

    © Hinab Ku & Tranquilized

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  2. Hinab_Ku

    K I E R A N

    One of the prizes for Oblivion@Discord I wasn't sure if I should do pixels but it turned out great ~ The art belongs to me! The character belongs to Oblivion!

    © Hinab Ku & Oblivion

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  3. Hinab_Ku


    Forgot to post :0 Why are male characters so hard to draw ;-; This piece is for Yosahira ~

    © Hinab Ku & Yosahira

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  4. also, when is the second semester starting ??

  5. ~UPDATE~
    I'll be closing my shops on here, but if you guys are still interested

    in getting art from me i have my own Discord art server! It's much

    easier for me to have everything on one site and discord is the tbh

    easiest for me to use~ I'll still be active on here, posting art, joining

    events, etc but I'll definitely be more active on my discord~ If you

    guys want to keep up with me and my art, you can DM and I'll send

    you an invite (or check my profile for the link) and you can also

    add me HinabKu#6266 ~

  6. Worked on this piece for a few days and finally finished it yesterday ~ I never worked with these kind of colors before and I'm so happy how this turned out~ I'm still trying to practice drawing backgrounds soo..i'm trying This art piece is for Soap@Discord~

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  7. I freed the titties

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  8. Here's the nsfw version of the piece~ :3

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  9. Finally finished this piece for Mynto on Discord ~ Tysm for being patient bruh ily <3 It took me a while, I tried to add as much details as I could and midway Sai crashed and I lost some progress (had a minor panic attack) and it changed the resolution to 500pix (bruh wth the original was 4.8k pix) so I had to edit it a lot to fix it, my layers also got messed up so I had a minor breakdown I almost cried but I managed, I guess, I tried my best with this peace pls give it much love Here's strawberry milk for yall

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  10. Doing a quick giveaway in my server~

    You can win some art prizes👏👏

    Feel free to join: https://discord.gg/UVXrTg2


  11. Topic Link(s): https://arthaven.co/forums/topic/9418-【vapor】-closed/ Action: Restore
  12. hi hi guys ~
    this is so random lol but if you are interested in seeing/buying my art you can join my art server, i'm not that active in there atm but when i get all things worked out i'll start posting there more often owo
    here's the link

    i'm still working on it tho, if you have any suggestions let me know
    thank you <3


  13. Commission for Obsequium on Discord~ Took me a while to finish this one - i wanted to add as much details as possible // i also tried not to blend too much and i kinda like it also, I think i won't be posting any nsfw versions of previous art i made, or if i do it will be like a collage idk owo

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  14. can't wait for the mature content system to start working, i have so many pieces to post get ready for some b**bs lol
    party dancing GIF

    1. Luxor


      FREE THE TITTY :erlmo:

  15. WIPs of new premades~


  16. When you put a piece on hold for a week for a customer but they don't buy it in the end ;-;

    Is anyone interested in buying this ice baby?? She's only $10


  17. my pixel ICE piece was moved from 'pixel art' to 'drawings and painting' category
    hilarious batman GIF

  18. Hinab_Ku

    L E O

    Finally finished sdfdghfjklkjfhdgf !! I took me like in total few hours to paint it but i'm a professional procrastinator so it took me few days :3 Anywho, this was done for PUI on Discord ~ They were very patient and understanding, again, for my idiotic a**, ily <333 Also, I used some references for the background, because I forgot what is and how does savanna look like :/ so I'll live the link~

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  19. Big piece for Aria on Discord ~ They gave me a pastel color palette but the colors here don't really look pastel :3 but they were okay with it, i tried my best to keep it pastel but i couldn't stop adding shades and highlights ;-; I love how this turned out, I don't really like drawing fullbodies but his one turned out fine owo Censured just in case ~

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  20. Hinab_Ku

    I C E

    Ice mage/demon ~ Break in between commissions~ Time taken: 1h30min

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  21. Hinab_Ku

    Black beetle

    how do you even..this is so good
  22. I'm kinda late but~
    The Halloween Auction is up!! There is a lot of amazing art posted!! Be sure to check it out~
    I also have  pieces up on there, so you can check them out too uwu
    The prices may be confusing tho, EUR is actually € and  €1=$1.1 owo



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