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  1. WIPWIP.png.f0b92ef3c452ae64b678b7ffaa5b51fd.png


    My progress so far. Slowly but surely. :lazecry:

    Im so glad i started with the base an all, i couldn't for the life of me get the hair right.

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    2. Spanki


      :lazierblush:WOOOO, Thankyousomuch. lol

      It's been very difficult since it's my first male edit, the female was not working for me so i hoped doing this would be my calling. Girl i have to be organized,if I'm all over the place then i'd get no where. But i really do enjoy your drawings, I'm honestly scared to do it by scratch haha so that's really cool. Ill be updating soon :aww:

    3. Baah


      That's your first!?!? JEsus I'm even more jealous right now. Mine looked like an actual potato. I would find the picture but I don't feel like cringing. And thank you for enjoying my drawings! That's sweet of you to say. 😄


      Once you do it by scratch and figure it out it's like crack and you can't stop. I NEVER thought I would be drawing from scratch because I relied heavily on screenies. But then, I just said eff it and did it and ever since then I grow more and more. I also find it has more freedom because you don't have to copy something already there. BUT I have always believed screenies are like the stepping stones into drawing without them, so keep it up and practice practice practice hun! ❤️ 

    4. Spanki


      Yesssss! Aww I'm sure it didn't. I'm sure, all my female edits are so bad that i don't even like looking at them either, some are just filters or a bit of smudging. No problem! :cutehehehaaas:

      I wish i could, i have so many ideas but i can't even do a proper figure sketch, well i can but on actual paper sort of and not digital, its so hard. I totally understand i really don't want to copy either but if its the only way that can help me for now then ill keep it going. Will do! Hopefully i can get to doing a female properly soon too :walove: but thank you for being a good support! 

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