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  1. image.png.134f99c35de8bbf311f5381489a8ffa9.png

    goodbye, or see you later?


    I wanted to write out everything and explain some things,

    but I decided it's best to get to the point.


    I will no longer be on GASR after January.

    I've worked really hard to become a better artist,

    but I don't feel like this is working for me anymore.


    Art is supposed to bring joy and be a great creative outlet for me;

    but unfortunately, it has become the exact opposite.


    I will finish up any custom work (including those on the waitlist),

    and I will finish up the remaining 2 charity DP's that I owe.

    After I close my custom shop, I will post my final premade batch.


    It's been an interesting 2 years, but I'm ready for something different.

    There has to be more to my life than sitting at a computer

    and being unhappy.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Daniella


      Mental health issues is a bitch by itself, even worse when its caused by something you love to express yourself with.

      I hope you dont let depression stop you from doing what you love or finding your passion for art again, even if it's not on gasr. Like everyone before me said, You are an amazing person. We don't need to be friends to see that, just by simple interactions and how you carry yourself through conversations.

      I have total confidence you will get out of your current mental state, you've already done it in your past. Do what is best for you of course, no brainer. I do hope this is a see you later, your talent will not go unrecognized and when you do come back expect a very warm welcoming committee(even if you decide not to do art). If you do have other social media platforms I would love to still stay in contact! If not, that's okay too. Just know you are loved here and have support. 

      "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore.

    3. Baylie


      You know I'll miss your art every day, but I'm glad I'm not losing you as my best friend. I'll make sure to push you to be creative in other ways, and I'll even persuade you to come back after some time. But in the meantime I'll support you in the way you've supported me. As you said "let's better ourselves together". I'll always be here to support you, no matter what, and we have a long road ahead of both of us, but at least we can do it hand in hand and laugh the whole way. I really hope I get to hug you in February, I promise I'll buy an actual air mattress and not some garbage pull out couch mattress which is only used for the you know who people :bapplause: (totally sounds like I'm talking about hookers out of context) 

      In the meantime lets just get with our homeboy Bob Ross and zen out. I love you :byaslove:

    4. Vix


      It's definitely taking a loss to GASR with you not being here anymore considering you're (imo) one of the best artists on the platform. If art is more like a chore though and something that you despise doing now, it's definitely best for you to find what does make you happy, even if it's not art currently. I hope everything for you looks up for you & you can improve in a way that better suits you & in a way that you're happy with :klove:

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