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  1. My life has become so dull and boring without art. Ego aside, I would love to keep making art for people because there's something about the process that keeps my heart happy. I found myself wondering often how you guys were doing. I've made so many positive connections in this community and a huge chunk of my life went away when I started school and a new job. It's miserable .-. I miss art and I miss a lot of you guys. I hope this month has been kind to you guys, and that you are healthy and safe. I'm probably going to give away a bunch of premades I made a few weeks ago, as a way to thank the people that have left me kind messages and positive energy as I work through this huge shift in my life. Thank you!!


    (sorry for the abrupt leave, I don't tolerate stress well and everything changed very rapidly for me lmao i was just screaming nonstop in my head for a couple weeks)


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cauldron


      I’m so happy to see you post an update! I was going through my art a couple of days ago, and wondered how you are doing! Keep doing what makes your heart happy! You’ve got a lot of talent and support here!

    3. psykhe


      @Cauldron Hey!! I was wondering how you we're doing too c: we'll have to catch up! ~ and thank you! I'm grateful to have the support that I do. <3 

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