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  1. I can't get my anxiety under control and it's making it so hard to work. Idk what do to.  can't just sleep it away.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Verixia


      I'm sorry you are going through that, I've dealt with anxiety most of my life and its a lot better then it used to be, but having someone you can talk to that you feel close to really helps even if it's online. I'm home alone most of the day and if I am dealing with it badly on a certain day I let my husband know what's going on and just message him all day it, does help. Also even though I am a caffeine addict, it definitely makes it worse so if it is particularly bad day or week laying off coffee for a few days really helps. When I am finding it hard to work because I'm feeling anxious lately I play movies in the background while I work, not sure why but it really works. It can't be like a intense movie or anything with anxious something like really happy and because I'm listening to the story while I draw it really distracts me from how I am feeling. If you ever need to talk you can always message me as well!

    3. psykhe


      @Verixia Thank you for the advice! I'll try playing movies while I work to see if it helps. and yeah, I made a cup of coffee earlier this morning but couldn't even drink it because my anxiety made me feel like I already had a million cups of coffee lol I probably won't have coffee anytime soon. Thank you :) I'll send you a PM sometime. Or you can PM me, doesn't matter xD (you should probably PM me, because my memory is horrible)

    4. Verixia


      @Deth anytime :),  and I have days like that where I dump out my coffee but some days will ways be worse then others. 

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